For more than a century and a half, Patek Philippe has been known as the finest watch in the world. The reason is very simple. It is made differently. It’s made using skills and techniques that others have lost or forgotten. It is made with attention to detail very few people would notice. It is made we have to admit, with a total disregard for time. If a particular Patek Philippe movement requires four years of continuous work to bring to absolute perfection, we will take four years. The result will be a watch that is unlikely any other. A watch that conveys quality from first glance and first touch. A watch with a distinction: Generation after generation it has been worn, loved and collected by those who are very difficult to please; those who will only accept the best. For the day that you take delivery of your Patek Philippe, you will have acquired the best. Your Pat& Philippe, you will have acquired the best. A watch that was made to be treasured.
What’s the b Working at nonstandard times—evenings,
nights, or weekends—is taking its toll on American families. One-fifth of all
employed Americans work variable or rotating shifts, and one-third work
weekends, according to Harriet B. Presser, sociology professor at the University
of Maryland. The result is stress on familial relationships, which is likely to
continue in coming decades. The consequences of working irregular hours vary according to gender, economic level, and whether or not children are involved. Single mothers are more likely to work nights and weekends than married mothers. Women in clerical, sales, or other low-paying jobs participate disproportionately in working late and graveyard shifts. Married-couple households with children are increasingly becoming dual-earner households, generating more split-shift couples. S A. Stress on familial relationships. B. Rotating shifts. C. Evenings, nights, or weekends. D. Its consequences. [单选题]计算车站通过能力时,各项专业时间标准,小数点后( )。
A.保留1位,第2位舍去 B.保留1位,第2位四舍五入 C.舍去 D.保留2位 [单选题]1.38 以下车辆在注册登记时不需要查验是否喷涂了总质量(或最大允许牵引质量)、栏板高度、罐体容积和允许装运货物的种类或名称的是_______。
A.大于等于4500kg的货车(货车类教练车除外) B.多用途货车 C.专项作业车(消防车除外) D.所有货车 [判断题]施工单位对因建设工程施工可能造成损害的毗邻建筑物、构筑物和地下管线等,应当采取专项防护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一般纤维绳也可在机械驱动的情况下使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列成语中,没有错别字的一项是()。
A.量体栽衣、甚嚣尘上 B.提纲挈领、落华流水 C.恼羞成怒、腹背受敌 D.礼仪廉耻、里应外合 [单选题]道岔红色闪烁,表示道岔为()状态。
A.四开 B.挤岔 C.封锁 D.失效 [多选题](第十八条)大跨度钢架结构厂房、库房着火,必须在确认( )或( )后,方能深入内部设置水枪阵地。 ( )
A.无倒塌风险 B.实施结构冷却 C.完全排烟 D.温度下降到100摄氏度以下 [单项选择]海洋水体积占地球上总水体积的()
A. 47% B. 67% C. 75% D. 97% [不定项选择题]车轴的损伤有( )。
A.裂纹、磨伤 B.裂纹、折损、磨伤、弯曲变形 C.裂纹、折损、弯曲变形 D.裂纹、折损 [名词解释]刚性路面
A. 公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 B. 公有制和按劳分配 C. 有中国特色的社会主义经济、政治和文化 D. 人民民主专政 [单选题] 在危险化学品中毒、污染事故预防控制措施中,( )是控制化学品危害的首先方案。
A.变更工艺 B.隔离 C.替代 D.通风 [单选题]当控制阀的可调范围不能满足生产的大流量范围变化,可考虑采用( )的分程控制方案。
A.两个控制阀串联 B.两个控制阀并联 C.A/B都不对 D.A/B都对 我来回答: 提交