Passage Two
Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in a room.
Customs are also different from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country Or doesn’t it matter What about table manner Should you use both hands when you are eating
The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner
A. Social Customs and Behaviour
B. Social Life
C. American and British Customs
D. Promptness Is Important
Soccer, game played by two teams on a
rectangular(矩形的) field, in which players attempt to knock a round ball through
the opponents’ goal, using any part of the body except the hands. Generally,
players use their feet and heads as they kick, dribble (带球), and pass the ball
toward the goal. One player on each team guards the goal. This player, the
goalkeeper, is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the
hands. Soccer is a free-flowing game that has relatively few rules and requires little equipment. All that is needed to play is an area of open space and a ball. Much of the world’s soccer is played informally, without field markings or real goals. In many places, the game is played barefoot Using rolled-up rags or newspapers as a ball. Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, played by people of all ages in about 2 A. futbol B. association football C. football D. soccer [单选题]心肺复苏时急救者在电击后应( )
A.立即检查心跳或脉搏; B.先行胸外按压,在5组(或者约2分钟)心肺复苏后再进行心跳检查; C.立即进行心电图检查; D.调节好除颤仪,准备第二次除颤。 [多项选择]下列关于委付和代位求偿权关系的提法哪些是正确的
A. 委付适用于全损或部分损失,而代位求偿权适用于推定全损 B. 委付转让的是保险标的所有权及其他相关的权利义务,而代位求偿权是向第三者追偿的权利 C. 委付与代位求偿权都适用于海上货物运输保险 D. 委付是保险人取得保险标的的所有权后,向被保险人支付保险赔款,而代位求偿权是以保险人向被保险人支付赔偿为前提 [多选题]插板式声屏障维护应满足以下要求:()、()、()、()。
A.立柱间净距和单元板长度应符合设计要求 B.单元板两端插入H型钢立柱翼缘的深度应符合设计要求 C.H型钢立柱间的同一单元板两端的高程偏差、上下板前后侧偏差、H型钢立柱左右两块相邻单元板的高程偏差应符合设计要求 D.H型钢立柱与单元板间、上下单元板间、最下部单元板与钢支架间、钢支架与立柱及遮板间橡胶和封堵梁端遮板间缝隙的橡胶应采取可靠方式固定,必要时在梁端应采取钢立柱翼缘板加固补强措施 [单项选择]属于慢性胰腺炎胰腺外分泌功能不全的临床表现的是
A. 腹痛 B. 脂肪泻 C. 糖耐量异常 D. 胰性腹水 E. 消瘦 [多选题] ××年×月×日某化工公司午休时间,一名车间工用餐后独自来到车间内,发现一辆电瓶叉车有钥匙,就心血来潮上车驾驶,在×××驾驶倒车行驶中,速度过快,当其发现叉车将要碰到车间柱子时,采取制动,由于该车刹车早已失灵,在制动无效情况下,心慌中立即从叉车上跳下,因叉车速度快于他跳下叉车的速度,被叉车齐压在柱子上,终因抢救无效死亡。事故原因分析( )。
A. 肇事者无证驾驶负主要责任 B. 驾驶员违反操作规则,负一定责任 C. 叉车制动失效未明示 我来回答: 提交