When I was
preparing for my two-week vacation in southern Africa, I Line realized that the continent would be like nothing I had ever seen. I wanted to explore the urban streets as well as the savannah; it’s always been my goal to have experiences on vacation that most other tourists fail to find. When my plans (5) were finalized, I left for Africa. The cultural differences were stunning, and made for plenty of laughter and confusion, but always ended up bringing smiles to our faces. What’s funny now, though, more than ever, is how ridiculous I must have seemed to the people of one village when I played with their dog. Apparently, the role of dogs in America is nothing like it is in the third world. (10) When I walk the streets of my hometown now, I often find myself staring at A. (A) Affectionate B. (B) Abusive C. (C) Pragmatic D. (D) Deceitful E. (E) Antagonistic [单选题]首期列车变为人工车属性,运行图无法记录人工车运行实际线。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [判断题]飞行中,对性骚扰、争抢座位(行李架)打架斗殴的,机组应视情调整当事人的座位,避免发生冲突。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当一个工程含有多个窗体时,其中的启动窗体是( )。
A. 启动Visual Basic时建立的窗体 B. 第一个添加的窗体 C. 最后一个添加的窗体 D. 在“工程属性”对话框中指定的窗体 [单选题]如果张某不同意撤诉,法院又当如何处理( )
A.驳回原告起诉而终结案件 B.直接审理变更后的处罚决定 C.继续审理原处罚决定 D.裁定中止诉讼 [多选题]使用中的氧气瓶和乙炔气瓶应()放置。
A.A.水平 B.B.垂直 C.C.固定 D.D.任意 [单选题]患者女,宫内妊娠 37 周,G1P0,发现胎动减少 2 天入院。以下措施不正确的是( )
A.胎心监护 B.B 超 C.胎盘功能检查 D.胎儿头皮血血气分析 E.立即剖宫产 [单项选择]( )不是对企业文化影响较大的要素。
A. 共同价值观 B. 行为规范 C. 形象与形象性活动 D. 经营任务 [判断题]对称密钥体制:用户产生一对公/私密钥,向外界公开的密钥为公钥;自己保留的密钥为私钥。
[单项选择]在散发可燃气体和可燃蒸汽的场所,宜选用( )。
A. 火焰探测器 B. 感烟探测器 C. 感温探测器 D. 可燃气体探测器 [单选题] ( )及电容器接地前应逐相充分放电。
A.避雷器 B.电缆 C.导线 D.变压器 我来回答: 提交