He is a rare celebrity scientist. He’s
even had a TV cameo role (小角色) in Star Trek in which he plays poker with
scientific icons (偶像)Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Yet when asked about
comparisons between himself and the two scientists, he calls it all "media hype
(炒作)." Once asked how he felt about being labeled the world’s smartest person,
he responded: "It is very embarrassing. It is rubbish, just media hype. They
just want a hero, and I fill the role model of a disabled genius. At least I am
disabled, but I am no genius. " Hawking has ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, a neuromuscular disease that progressively weakens muscle control. He gets around in a wheelchair, and after completely losing the use of his vocal chords in an operation to assist his breathing in 1985, he communicates through a computer. A speech synthesiz A. is a very famous scientist B. can be compared with Newton and Einstein C. is a very good actor D. has surpassed any scientists known in the world [单选题]中铁建投资集团有限公司将突发事件划分为“ ”级别。
A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.6个 [多选题]某监视模块报“开路故障”,故障原因可能为下列哪些选项( )
A.监视模块损坏 B.末端电阻损坏 C.模块与被控设备之间线路出现断线情况 D.二极管损坏 [简答题]收养人应当提交哪些证件和证明?
A.李某,被民警在巡逻时查获携带管制刀具 B.张某,因殴打他人主动到公安派出所投案 C.严某,因侮辱他人被传唤到公安派出所接受调查 D.洪某,因吃饭结账的金额问题与饭馆发生争执,威胁要向相关部门举报,并拒绝民警进行调解 [判断题]证券公司的从业人员在证券交易活动中,按其所属的证券公司的指令或者利用职务违反交易规则的,由其本人所属的证券公司承担全部责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列水泥中,不宜用于大体积混凝土工程、化学侵蚀及海水侵蚀工程的有()。
A. 硅酸盐水泥 B. 普通硅酸盐水泥 C. 矿渣水泥 D. 火山灰质水泥 E. 粉煤灰水泥 [单选题]在项目决策阶段,项目决策管理层次的主要工作不包括()。
A.制定投资规划,选择项目 B.审批项目建议书 C.审批可行性研究报告 D.批准开工或批准融资协议生效 [单选题]购买半价票的儿童免费携带品最大重量为<___>。( )
A.5kg B.10kg C.15kg D.20kg [多选题]公安机关和有关部门对宣扬极端主义,利用极端主义( )的,应当及时予以制止,依法追究法律责任。
A.危害公共安全 B.扰乱公共秩序 C.侵犯人身财产 D.妨害社会管理 我来回答: 提交