A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been
told that it would be a criminal offence to sell thousands of tubes of
toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print
giving the firm importing it does not include the letters "UK". Under cosmetics
regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the
address is London, which is "a major city", the letters UK must be added. The
suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgers’s A2Z chain asked them to take back the
toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards
officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very
minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysteri A. They sold fake product. B. They sold stolen goods. C. The product they sold was incorrectly labelled. D. They were not licensed to sell this product. [单选题]无线调制解调器的防护等级()。
A.IP65 B.IP66 C.IP67 D.IP68 [判断题]磷酸三钠的加注方法可分连续加药和间断加药两种。
[单选题] 组织所辖班组开展设备专业巡视是地市公司变电检修室的职责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《动车组列车出乘前准备作业指导书》红十字救护员证:班组经上级卫生部门培训合格发证,负责旅客用药管理和突发急病时协助紧急救护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]哪一项不是腋路臂丛阻滞的优点()
A. 不会引起气胸 B. 不会阻滞膈神经 C. 不会误入椎管 D. 位置表浅,易于阻滞 E. 桡神经阻滞完全 [判断题]举高消防车伸缩水管每次打水作战后需加注润滑油。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《中国人民银行关于加强银行业金融机构人民币同业银行结算账户管理的通知》中,存款银行分支机构在开户银行(其他银行)开立同业银行结算账户应当获得本银行一级法人的内部书面授权。存款银行一级法人应当以( )形式进行授权,明确分支机构开立同业银行结算账户的开户银行、账户名称、用途以及经办人员等。
A.正式发文 B.书面 C.法人授权 D.口头授权 我来回答: 提交