Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations, (31) to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achievement.
The survey of 643 children and adults, ranking from pre-school to 40-plus, also suggests (32) pen-holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far (33) attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style.
Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher (34) findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area (35) he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling (36) had a poor pen grip. While Mr. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link (37) pen-holding style and accuracy in spelling, he (38) find huge differences in technique between the young children and the
{{B}}Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Let us assume, for the moment, that
labor is not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the
existing level of money-wages would lead, through strikes or otherwise, to a
withdrawal from the labor market of labor which is now employed. Does it follow
from this that the existing level of real wages accurately measures the marginal
disutility of labor Not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing
money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of labor, it does not follow that a fall
in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if
it were due to a rise in the price of the latter. In other words, it may be the
case that within a certain range the demand of labor is for a minimum money-wag A. a fail in the value of real wages would lead to a withdrawal of the labor from market of labor. B. a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead to a withdrawal from the labor C. the supply of labor is not a function of real wages D. the demand of labor is only for a minimum money-wages [简答题]氢碳比的控制对甲醇合成有何影响?
A. 肺炎 B. 气胸 C. 肺组织含气量减少 D. 阻塞性肺不张 E. 胸腔积液 [单项选择]国有公司、企业的董事、经理利用职务便利,自己经营或者为他人经营与其所任职公司、企业同类的营业,获取非法利益,数额在()以上的,应予追诉。
A. 五万元 B. 十万元 C. 五十万元 D. 一百万元 [单选题]预备党员的预备期,从 算起。( )
A.递交入党申请书满一年之日; B.支部投票通过其资格之日; C.支部大会通过他为预备党员之日; [多选题]能动反映论和直观反映论的主要区别在于( )
A.是否承认客观事物和人的思想是认识的对象 B.是否承认检验认识真理性的标准是实践 C.是否承认实践在认识中的决定作用 D.是否承认认识是一个充满矛盾的辩证过程 [单选题]在纯电阻电路中,电流和电压( )。
A.同相位 B.反相位 C.相位差为 Л/2 [单选题]先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志是( )。
A.劳动者 B.劳动对象 C.科学技术 D.管理方式 [单选题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽,现场作业人员还应穿( )、绝缘鞋。
A. A.绝缘服 B.B.屏蔽服 C.C.防静电服 D.D.全棉长袖工作服 [判断题]铁路局负责管内备品备件的管理,建立二级备品备件库;通信段建立三级备品备件库。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统信贷责任认定办法》规定,因未及时申请强制执行导致丧失执行时效的,( )承担主要责任,( )承担次要责任。
A.A、资产保全人员 贷后管理人员 B.资产保全人员 部门负责人 C.部门负责人 贷后管理人员 D.部门负责人 资产保全人员 [单选题]长短不是判断好标题的标准,在精彩度不变的情况下越短越好
A. 对 B. 错 [判断题]充油电流互感器运行前应检查外观清洁,油量充足,无渗漏油现象.()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交