Once upon a time there was a man who
had fifty red nightcaps to sell at a fair. His wife put them into a great bag
for him which he carried over his shoulder. It was a very hot day. Now the man’s way lay through a wood. When he came to the shade, he put down his bag and sat down to rest. Soon he took one of the red nightcaps out of his bag, put it on, lay down and went to sleep. Now there were monkeys in that wood, and by and by a big old ape came stealing down out of the trees and took one of the red nightcaps out of the bag, put it on his head, and ran up into a tree and sat there grinning and chattering. By and by another ape came stealing down and he too took a red nightcap, put it on and ran up into a tree and he too sat in the tree grinning and chattering. [单选题]掘进工作面遇地质条件变化时,必须立即停工,由煤矿( )亲自组织制定安全施工组织措施。
A.A、总工程师 B.B、矿长 C.C、生产矿长 [判断题]股票基金应有80%以上的资产投资于股票。( )
A. 胆汁阻塞性肝炎 B. 听力下降 C. 假膜性肠炎 D. 肝功能严重损害 E. 肾功能严重损害 [单项选择]口述述职报告的抬头用什么()
A. xx组织部 B. xx党委 C. 各位代表、各位委员 D. 各位领导、各位同志 [判断题]( )为防止“关断过电压”损坏晶闸管,可在管子两端并接压敏电阻。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]程控交换机的容量指标主要包括话务量、呼叫处理能力及( )等指标。
A.A-误码率 B.B-驻波比 C.C-交换机能够接入的用户线最大数量 D.D-交换机能够接入中继线的最大数量 [单选题]进站信号机开放后突然关闭(按下进路始端按钮,进站信号仍未开放)进路准备方式为()。
A.进路上有关道岔及防护道岔操纵单锁 B.排列调车进路方式准备进路 C.正常排列进路 D.人工准备进路并加锁 [判断题]车站防汛器材包含挡水板、沙袋、防滑垫防滑提示牌、防汛柜 、湿毛巾等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按照《建设工程质量管理条例》的规定,屋面工程的最低保修期限为()。
A. 3年 B. 4年 C. 5年 D. 设计文件规定的合理使用年限 [单选题]上消化道出血紧急治疗措施?
A.胃管注入止血药 B.平卧位下肢抬高吸氧 C.胃镜止血 D.补充血容量 E.静脉用止血药 [判断题]CRH2A统型动车组一级修作业标准,制动手柄 BV 接通时,驾驶台电压表的显示电压应为 87V 以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题][2022-03-06 16:47:59.555
[简答题]油气集带是指与背斜带或与其相当级别的构造单位( )在一起的油气田带。
[单选题]用钢卷尺沿方向线(),由浅至深丈量岩心长度。长度单位:m,数值修约到两位小数。(出自SY/T 5788.3-2014)
A.从左至右丈量 B.从右至左丈量, C.一次性丈量 D.分段丈量 [判断题]急性肾损伤患者高钾血症行血液透析治疗是最有效的办法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,29岁,因多尿,下肢无力2周入院,血K+2.4mmol/L,血pH7.26,血肌酐217μmol/L,尿常规蛋白(+),尿pH7.0,尿浓缩稀释试验异常,最可能的诊断为().
A. 低钾性肾病 B. 肾小管性酸中毒 C. 周期性瘫痪 D. 尿崩症 E. 慢性肾小球肾炎 我来回答: 提交