What Makes a Soccer Player Great {{/B}} Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world, but there have only been few players who were truly great. How did these players get that way—was it through training and practice, or are great players "born, not made" First, these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past—players that a young boy can look up to and try to imitate (效仿). In the history of soccer, only six countries have ever won the World Cup—three from South America and three from Western Europe. There has never been a great national team—or a really great player from North America or from Asia. Second, these players have all had years of practice in’ the game. Alfredo Di Stefano A. his family background. B. his neighbourhood. C. his practice.. D. his height. [不定项选择题]A.流浸膏剂
A.浸膏剂 B.茶剂 C.药酒 D.酊剂 E.用规定浓度的乙醇浸出或溶解而制得的澄清液体剂型称为 [判断题]20世纪初,清政府已经完全变成帝国主义统治中国的工具,最能说明这一点的是严禁中国人民反帝。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下边括号中对加点字的解释有误的一项是______。
A. 亵渎(轻慢) 黩(轻率)武案牍(木简) B. 瞠(瞪眼)目 嗔(不满)怪缜(细致)密 C. 慰藉(抚慰) 狼藉(凌乱)枕藉(垫) D. 搠(刺)倒 溯(逆流上)流 塑(造)像 [单选题]承运人应当对铁路运送期间发生的旅客人身伤害承担( )责任。
A.全部赔偿 B.损害赔偿 C.重要赔偿 D.主要赔偿 [单选题]大(中)队警官技术训练应掌握防护装备、侦检器材、救生器材、破拆器材和( )器材的操作程序和方法。
A.个人装备 B.登高器材 C.堵漏器材 D.供水器材 [判断题]建筑高度超过50m的商业建筑都属于一类高层建筑。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]新投运GIS采用带金属法兰的盆式绝缘子时,应预留窗口用于特高频局部放电检测。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]何谓碳钢?根据钢的含碳量是如何对碳钢分类的?
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]张某欠李某10万元,刘某欠张某10万元,张某同时还欠周某和郑某10万元。李某代替张某对刘某行使了代位权,要回了10万元。下列说法中不正确的是( )。
A. 李某不能以自己的名义行使代位权 B. 周某和郑某知道李某行使了代位权后,即使债权未到期,也可以主张同时受偿 C. 设置代位权的目的在于催促债务人自动履行债务 D. 李某可以优先从刘某处代位行使10万元直接受偿 我来回答: 提交