你是根据哪项作出的判断()Passage 8 In the modern world, it is important to be well-informed. Success in many fields (1) on getting the latest information. There are many means of obtaining information which enable us to (2) what is going on in the world. And we are so accustomed to reading almost every week newspaper reports about new discoveries being made by man that we tend to (3) the progress and benefit of scientific research for granted. We (4) that science must continue to achieve its many miracles which become merely commonplace as soon as they are replaced by greater ones. Astronauts have made journeys through space, a (5) that once upon a time would have been considered as unbelievable. Yet there are few people today who feel anything but a mild interest in the discoveries that are being made by scientists. In A. count B. focus C. draw D. dwell [判断题]总结出入水量时,应用红钢笔画两条红线,再用红钢笔写明“×ד小时,具体总数记录在该单的相应栏目内并签全名。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与逻辑的逻辑表达式为()括号内不要空格 题目结束加句号()。A.P=A+B B.P=A B C.P=A•B D.P=A-B
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]以下哪种不属于特种乘车证:( )
A.全国铁路通用乘车证 B.邮局抽运人员免费乘车证 C.铁路乘车证 D.邮局视导员免费乘车证 [判断题]车辆轮对在装配前,应对车轴各部位进行探伤检查。检修时,按规定对轴颈、防尘板座、轮座、制动盘座及轴身进行目视基本检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]从事危险废物贮存的单位,必须得到有资质单位具的该危险废物样品物理和化学性质的分析报告,认定可以贮存后,方可接收。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绝缘杆作业法断引流线,为避免引起相间短路和相对地短路,引线拆除顺序为( )。
A.先中间相后两边相 B.先两边相后中间相 C.先外边相后内边相 D.无要求 [多项选择]JK触发器具有()四种功能。
A. 置0 B. 置1 C. 计数 D. 保持 E. 翻转 [单项选择]液体可燃物和固体可燃物燃烧时由分解或蒸发出的气体形成火焰,一般为()。
A. 扩散火焰 B. 预混火焰 C. 分解火焰 D. 蒸发火焰 [单选题]在楼梯的初始级应有明显的()。
A.安全警示 B.提示标识 C.使用标识 我来回答: 提交