Steve Courtney wrote historical novels.
Not, he was quick to explain, over-colourful love stories of the kind that made
so much money for so many women writers, but novels set, and correctly set, in
historical periods. Whatever difference he saw in his own books, his readers did
not seem to notice it, and his readers were nearly all women. He had studied in
university, but he had been a particularly good student, and he had never
afterwards let any academic knowledge he had achieved interfere with his
writing. Helen, his wife, who did not have a very high opinion of her husband’ s ability as a novelist, had been careful to say when she married him she was not historically minded. Above all, Helen was doubtful whether her relationship with Steve would work at all in the village of Stretton, to which they had just moved. A. popular but unimportant B. serious literary works C. admired for their historical truth D. written with women readers in mind [判断题]调车手信号指挥机车向显示人反方向稍行移动的信号, 昼间为拢起的红色信号旗直立平举、再用展开的绿色 旗上下小动, 夜间用绿色灯光上下小动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对异步电机的检查试验,必须作短时升高电压试验。()
A. 阴道 B. 尿道旁腺 C. 膀胱 D. 尿道 E. 男性下段尿生殖道 [单项选择]甲状腺癌的临床表现不包括
A. 偶然发现甲状腺有一个硬而不光滑肿块 B. 近甲状腺峡部活动度大的肿块 C. 甲状腺肿块短期内迅速增大 D. 甲状腺包块伴声嘶 E. 甲状腺包块伴颈淋巴结肿大 [单项选择]低周反复加载试验,从试验的目的和加荷性质、特点看、不对的是()。
A. 属抗震试验 B. 属静力试验 C. 属动力试验 D. 属循环加载试验 [多项选择]我国的社会保险有()。
A. 工伤保险、 B. 意外伤害保险 C. 失业保险; D. 养老保险。 [判断题]废热锅炉在开启或停用时都不应使温度突增突降。
[单选题]入侵检测系统提供的基本服务功能包括( )
A.异常检测和入侵检测 B.入侵检测和攻击告警 C.异常检测和攻击告警 D.异常检测、入侵检测和攻击告警 [单选题]电压用符号( )表示。
A.I B.U C.A D.R [单选题]半夏泻心汤适用于
A.胃虚有热,和降失常,症见心胸烦闷,气逆欲呕,口干喜饮者 B.脾胃虚弱,水热互结,症见心下硬满,干噫食臭,肠鸣下利者 C.脾胃虚弱,寒热错杂,症见心下痞满,但满不痛,呕吐下利者 D.脾胃虚弱,寒热错杂,症见脘腹痞胀,恶食懒倦,大便不畅者 E.脾胃虚弱,痰浊内阻,症见心下痞硬,噫气不除,苔腻脉滑者 [单选题]台风风力最大的部位是()
A.台风眼 B.台风眼附近 C.台风云系外围 [单项选择]公共关系的社会关系说是由哪一个学者提出的?()
A. 希尔兹 B. 卡特里普 C. 森特 D. 阿什 [单项选择] Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage. Why are divorces so common at present A. Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage. B. Because people like watching TV programs. C. Because people prefer joy to self-discipline. D. Because our society is permissive towards divorces. [单项选择]Jerry seldom came to the laboratory, ______ he
A. 3675kw B. 3860kw C. 4045kw D. 4246kw [多选题]消防用防坠落辅助设备不包括什么?
A.抓绳器 B.滑轮装置 C.荧光棒 D.通用安全绳 [多选题]营销管理信息系统具有线损( )等功能。
A.计算 B.计量 C.分析 D.统计 [单项选择]下列不属于原始凭证审核的内容是______。
A. 合法性 B. 完整性 C. 公允性 D. 真实性 [判断题]对于接线方式较为简单的小容量变电所,操作电源常常采用蓄电池。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题](多选题)创建源码分析任务时,设置编译器版本的目的是什么?
A.用于检查源码中使用的架构相关的编译器宏、builtin函数、 at tribute函数、用户自定义宏等,确定需要移植的源码及源文件 B.用于解析用户软件的Makefile文件, 整理出用户软件目标二进制文件依赖的源文件集合和编译时依赖的S0文件名,使用的编译选项,宏定义和变量 C.用于确定x86与鲲鹏平台相异的编译器宏、编译选项、builtin函数、attribute函数等列表 D.用于区分不同的源码使用的编译器版本 [多选题]工业企业的下列现金收支中,属于筹资活动产生的现金流量的有( )。
A.发放现金股利 B.债券投资收到的利息 C.向银行借款收到的现金 D.转让股权投资收到的现金 [单项选择]皂土配料设备最好采用()。
A. 圆筒配料机 B. 圆盘配料机 C. 螺旋给料机 D. 真空泵给料机 [单项选择]川芎主产于
A. 四川 B. 贵州 C. 云南 D. 陕西 E. 湖北 [多项选择]品行障碍的诊断要点是( )。
A. 具有某种间断的异常攻击性 B. 具有某种持续的异常反抗性 C. 与家庭和学校中的应激无关 D. 依相应年龄的正常规范判断 我来回答: 提交