With stripes of blue ink snaking across
his face and neck and then disappearing under the collar of his shirt before
bursting into the open from under the cuffs, he is a poster boy for his
profession. Skitch, the only name he wants the public to know, exhibits pride and confidence in his designer skin. Comfortably perched atop a stool in Graffixx Tattoo, a parlor just two blocks from the White House, he talks about his obsession with" body art", which, in his view, is winning the souls of the New Age generation as well as overall public acceptance. "It’s definitely more popular than when I started out about 10 years ago," he said as a flash of sunshine danced on a big pin piercing the skin between his eyes. "People who wouldn’t even think about having a tattoo then have them. There are no official statistics beating Skitch out. Bu A. Now there are fewer men fond of body art than before. B. The official statistics proved that body art gains popularity. C. All people who didn’t think about having a tattoo then now have them. D. Skitch started to engage in body art about ten years ago. [单选题]电力电缆工作前应详细核对电缆标志牌的名称与()所写的相符,安全措施正确可靠后,方可开始工作。
A.工作票 B.操作票 C.安全措施票 D.带电作业票 [判断题]《安全生产法》规定的行政处罚,由应急管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门按照职责分工决定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]脚扣和登高板:金属部分变形和绳(带)损伤者可在低处使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]夏季室温在()℃以下、冬季室温在()℃以上禁止使用空调(天气闷热时可打开通风装置)。
A.59 B.60 C.61 [多选题]消防员年度考核按照本人述职、民主评议、综合测评、组织鉴定的程序进行,结果分为()四个等次。
A.优秀 B.良好 C.称职 D.不称职 [判断题]根据季节、气候和训练科目做好保障,视情准备绿豆汤、糖盐水、棉大衣、急救药品等,必要时配备急救医生。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]台架生产任务单内容包含钢板号、钢种、订单规格、实际测量尺寸、质量情况等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]基本轨表现为哪些伤损或病害,应及时修理或更换?
[多项选择]在民事诉讼中,有( )情形时,人民法院可以延期审理。
A. 当事人有正当理由没有到庭 B. 当事人临时提出回避申请 C. 需要通知新的证人到庭,调取新的证据 D. 本案必须以另一案的审理结果为依据,而另一案尚未审结 [单项选择]项目的投资建设对社会经济系统的影响,从不同的层次体现出来。()包括对各种社会法人组织及其他各种机构的影n向。
A. 社会组织层面 B. 产业及部门层面 C. 个人层面 D. 区域和宏观经济层面 [多选题]在双线区间,仅限于整理列车运行时,方可使列车反方向运行,但旅客列车仅在正方向区间的线路()等特殊情况下,经铁路局调度所值班主任准许,方可反方向运行。
A.封锁施工 B.发生自然灾害 C.涉及慢行限速 D.因事故中断行车 [简答题]