项目 | 账面原价 | 累计折旧 | 公允价值 |
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A. 脾胃亏虚 B. 脾阳不振 C. 胃热炽盛 D. 心火内盛 E. 脾肾阳虚 [单选题]下列出现于慢性粒细胞白血病的是( )
A.t(9;11) B.t(8;21) C.t(15;17) D.BCR/ABL融合基因 E.PML/RARA融合基因 [单选题]工务段负责对线路设备进行周期性检查,并做好详细记录,掌握线路设备状态及变化规律,具体办法由铁路局规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )客户资料库的一般体现形式有:客户名册、客户资料卡客户数据库。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]航空运输货物保险合同的除外责任不包括( )
A. 被保险人的故意行为所造成的损失 B. 属于发货人责任所引起的损失 C. 因被保险货物本身的缺陷所引起的损失 D. 在运输途中被保险货物由于飞机遭受恶劣气候被抛弃所造成的损失 [单选题]轨道端部止挡装置应牢固可靠,防止起重机()。
A.碰撞 B.脱轨 C.滑动 [判断题]氧气呼吸器的实际防护时间与佩戴人员的体重、呼吸习惯、运动量或劳动强度有密切关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The molecules of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere affect the heat balance of the Earth by acting as a one-way screen. (1) these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concerned, to pass (2) , they absorb some of the longer-wave-length, infrared emissions radiated from the Earth’s surface, radiation that would (3) be transmitted back into space. For the Earth to maintain a constant average temperature, such emissions from the planet must (4) incoming solar radiation. If there were no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat would (5) from the Earth much more easily. [简答题]何为寒潮?其主要危害是什么?
[单选题]影响射线照相影像质量因素的胶片衬度相关因素包括( )。
A.胶片型别 B.显影处理的程度 C.底片密度 D.增感屏型别与厚度 E.以上都是 [填空题]
A. In state capitals across the country, legislators are debating proposals to roll back environmental rules, prodded by industry and advocacy groups eager to curtail (缩减) regulations aimed at curbing greenhouse gases. B. The measures, which have been introduced in about 18 states, lie at the heart of an effort to expand to the state level the battle over fossil fuel and renewable energy. The new rules would trim or abolish climate mandates—including those that require utilities to use solar and wind energy, as well as proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules that would reduce carbon emissions from power plants. C. But the campaign—despite its backing from powerful groups such as Americans for Prosperity—has run into a surprising roadblock: the growing political clout of renewable-energy interests, even in rock-ribbed Republican states such as Kan [填空题]锅炉整体风压试验目的,是检查燃烧室、()系统、()系统、()系统及连接设备的严密性情况。
A. 1万元(含)以下 B. 1至5万元(含)以下 C. 5至10万元(含)以下 D. 10万元以上 [单选题]某广告公司(小规模纳税人) 2019年第四季度发生销售额(不含税,下同) 62万元,另因发生服务中止而退还给服务接受方销售额 15万元并按规定进行了税务处理,则该广告公司当季应纳增值税( )。
A.1.41万元 B.1.46万元 C.1.54万元 D.1.86万元 [多选题]大数据实战应用中心,全息检索可以用作检索条件的信息()
A.姓名 B.人像照片 C.DNA序列 D.手机MAC地址 [多选题]操作跌落式熔断器停电时,要注意(____)。
A. 操作时先核实现场操作设备与操作票是否相符 B. 用合格的操作杆金属端钩穿入操作环 C. 用力均匀顺势往下拉 D. 检查熔断器是否在断开位置 [判断题] 在生产、贮存和使用可燃气体的过程中,要严防容器、管道的泄漏。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据《烟花爆竹安全管理条例》,烟花爆竹生产、经营、运输企业和焰火晚会以及其他大型焰火燃放活动主办单位的主要负责人,对本单位的烟花爆竹安全工作负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1~4题要求从所给的6个选项中为第 1~4段每段选择1个正确的小标题:(2)第5~8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4今正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案写在相应的横线上。