Visitors to St. Paul’s Cathedral are
sometimes astonished as they walk round the space under the arch to come upon a
statue which would appear to be that of a retired armed man meditating upon a
wasted life. They are still more astonished when they see under it an
inscription indicating that it represents the English writer, Samuel Johnson.
The statue is by Bacon, but it is not one of his best works. The figure is, as
often in eighteenth-century sculpture, clothed only in a loose robe which leaves
arms, legs and one shoulder bare. But the strangeness for us is not one of
costume only. If we know anything of Johnson, we know that he was constantly ill
all through his life; and whether we know anything of him or not we are apt to
think of a literary man as a delicate, weakly, nervous sort of person. Nothing
can be further from that th A. they have little effect on each other B. they are confused by all of us C. they interact with each other D. they are mixed up in all of us [单选题]“橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳。”出自____。
(出题单位:淮南师范学院党委宣传部) A. 《春秋》 B. 《左传》 C. 《吕氏春秋》 D. 《晏子春秋》 [多选题] 环网柜的电缆终端头,主要有()两种形式。
A. T型头 B. 复合型头 C. 肘型头 D. 双通头 [判断题]依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》(国务院令第393号2003),工程( )单位应当审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施或者专项施工方案是否符合工程建设强制性标准。
A.建设 B.施工 C.监理 D.设计 [单项选择]淋菌性盆腔炎宜用:
A. 凉血解毒化斑 B. 益气活血化斑 C. 疏肝解郁,理气活血 D. 软坚散结 E. 燥湿散瘀 [判断题]跳闸指示灯亮,继电器不动作,检查面板跳闸指示灯亮,但继电器不动作,属于终端故障,更换终端输出接口板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在钢材零件上开8mm螺纹直径(粗牙螺纹),钻底孔用钻头直径为()mm.
A. 7.6 B. 7.7 C. 7.8 D. 7.9 我来回答: 提交