Richard Satava, program manager for
advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual
reality to medicine, where computers create a "virtual" or simulated environment
for surgeons and other medical practitioners (从业者). "With virtual reality we’ll be able to put a Surgeon in every trench," said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers. The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier. Although Satava’s vision may be years A. It is performed by a computer-designed high precision device. B. Surgeons wear virtual reality helmets to receive feedback provided by a computer. C. Surgeons move robotic instruments by means of a computer linked to them; D. A 3-D image records the movements of the surgeons during the operation. [简答题]出工前,施工作业领导人和安全员应作好哪些工作?
void sum(int * A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 [判断题]列车机车与第一辆车辆连挂时下作用式车钩防跳插销的插设,有列检作业的列车由列检负责。
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A.A: B.B: C.C: D.D: [多选题]高处作业应( )。
A.搭设脚手架 B. 使用高空作业车 C. 使用升降平台 D. 采取其他防止坠落的措施 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)电信产品价格的形成自有其内在逻辑,但不受各种难以预见的外部因素的影响。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]我行银行卡在任何商户刷卡消费都有积分产生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ()是在单一营销的基础上注入个性化的营销理念,把客房套牢,使客户一生一世甚至几代人成为一家银行的忠实客户。
A.专业化营销策略; B.低成本营销策略; C.情感营销策略; D.产品差异营销策略。 [判断题]在其他条件不变的情况下,票息越高修正期限越高,存续期限越长修正期限越高,到期收益率越高修正期限越低。( )
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