{{B}}The Cutting
Edge{{/B}} Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization. The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr A. There has been much academic corruption involved in the study, but the researchers have no other choice in order to get enough information. B. Strictly speaking, the study is not academic enough, since one has to do some speculations and consider many factors. C. The study is not scientific enough, so the results are not reliable, although that is what the researcher can best do. D. This kind of research should not be purely academic, since this is universal practice in this area of study. [多项选择]扁平苔藓的组织病理学表现是()
A. 角化过度 B. 颗粒层楔形增生 C. 棘层松解 D. 真皮上部淋巴细胞为主的致密带浸润 E. 基底细胞液化变性 [多选题]单个人员和建制单位出列、入列,通常用( ),5 步以内用( ),1 步用( )。
A.跑步 B.齐步 C.正步 D.礼步 [判断题]龙门架倒塌是遇风时由于其他缆风绳也没有收紧,故全部风载荷由磨断2/3的钢丝绳负担被拉断而导致。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 甲在出售假币时被当场抓获,民警现场查获假币5000元,后民警在其住处查获假币3000元,根据甲供述,民警又在乙商店内查获甲藏匿的假币5000元,甲出售假币的数额为( )。
A.8000元 B.5000元 C.13000元 D.10000元 [多项选择]下列选项中,属于衡量内存性能的指标有()
A. 存储容量 B. 主频 C. 存取周期 D. 接口类型 [简答题]站界外移后,车站值班员在确认区间空闲并得到临时站界标撤除,()的调度命令后,方可恢复该区间正常行车。
A.核桃 B.板栗 C.香榧 D.夏威夷果 [单选题]在下列设备中,属于输出设备的是( )。
A.硬盘 B.键盘 C.鼠标 D.打印机 [单项选择]流行性乙型脑炎最具特征性的病变是()
A. 噬神经细胞现象 B. 卫星现象 C. 筛网状软化灶 D. 淋巴细胞袖口状浸润 E. 胶质结节 [单选题]运料斜道的宽度和坡度的规定是( )
A.不宜小于0.8m和宜采用1:6 B.不宜小于1.5m和宜采用1:6 C.不宜小于0.5m和宜采用1:3 D.不宜小于1.5m和宜采用1:7 [单项选择] Mrs. White
I hate salesmen. I mean they are always pestering me to buy things I don’t want. Why should I waste my time listening to their lies and looking at the junk they are trying to sell me When I need something, I go out and buy it. Things are cheaper at the supermarket and there’s a much better selection there. Mrs. Lee People prefer to buy from door-to-door salesmen because they are so friendly. A good salesman always brings things like candies for the children, sympathy for the tired housewife and a smile for the lonely old people. And the customers always have a chance to try things before they actually buy them. You don’t get that kind of service at the supermarket. Mrs. Ros I just don’t trust those salesmen. Once you let in a salesperson you can never get rid of him. They just keep talking and talking until you buy his goods. When you come to use the thing, you find out it’s a piece of junk. But you can’t get your money back. T [单选题]150.呋塞米的不良反应有( )
A.低血钾 B.刺激性干咳 C.支气管哮喘 D.黄绿视症 E.颜面潮红 [判断题]动火工作票的审批人、消防监护人可以签发动火工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,儿童票的座别、到站应与成人车票相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现场检验时应认清设备接线标识,设( ),工作完毕接电后要( )。
A.专人监护 B.进行检查核验 C.确保接线正确 D.接线时螺丝应紧固并充分接触 [单项选择]异步串行通信接口标准RS-232C的逻辑0的信号电平是( )。
A. 0V~+5V B. +3V~+15V C. -3V~-15V D. -5V~0V [单选题]减少绝缘介质的介电常数可以(____)电缆中电磁波的传播速度。
A.降低 B.提高 C.不改变 D.不一定 [单项选择]政府对基本商品征收的一种税是对出售的每一罐食用油征税两分钱。税务纪录显示,尽管人口数量保持稳定且税法执行有力,食用油的税收额在税法生效的头两年中还是显著下降了。如果正确,最有助于解释食用油的税收额下降的一项是 ( )
A. 很少家庭在加税后开始生产他们自己的食用油 B. 商人在税法实施后开始用比以前更大的罐子售油 C. 在食用油税实行后的两年,政府开始在许多其他基本商品上征税 D. 食用油罐传统上被用作结婚礼物,税法实施后,用食用油做礼物增多了 [单项选择]在汽车车轮水平力的作用下,沥青路面局部产生沿纵向的鼓起,这种病害称为()
A. 拥包 B. 开胀 C. 裂缝 D. 松散 [单选题]管道沿程阻力随管道长度的增加而 ( ) 。
A.增加 B.减小 C.不变 [单项选择]为了使学生顺应时代要求,我们应该反思所谓“应试教育”,改革教育理念和教育模式,推进()。
A. 通识教育 B. 素质教育 C. 人文教育 D. 实践教育 [多选题]以下属于园林构筑工程的为()
A.筑山 B.水体 C.亭 D.道路 E.行道树移植 我来回答: 提交