Humans are unique in the extent to
which they can reflect on themselves and others. Humans are able to
{{U}} (31) {{/U}}, to think in abstract terms, to reflect on the future.
A meaningless, {{U}} (32) {{/U}} world is an insecure world. We do not
like extensive insecurity. When it {{U}} (33) {{/U}} to human behavior we
infer meaning and {{U}} (34) {{/U}} to make the behavior understandable.
{{U}} (35) {{/U}} all this means is that people develop "quasi theories"
of human behavior, that is, theories that are not
developed in a/an {{U}} (36) {{/U}}, scientific manner.
When doing so, people believe they know {{U}} (37) {{/U}} humans do th A. on B. against C. with D. for [单选题]营业网点收缴的假币()按规定时间上缴总行,办理交接手续。
A.每旬 B.每月 C.每季 D.每年 [单项选择]Although no one is Certain why migration occurs, there are several theories. One theory is based upon the premise that prehistoric birds of the northen Hemisphere were forced south during the Ice Age, when glaciers covered large parts of Europe, Asia, and North America. As the glaciers melted, the birds came back to their homelands, spent the summer, and then went south again as the ice advanced in winter In time, the migration became a habit, and now, although the glaciers have disappeared, the habit continues.
Another theory proposes that the ancestral home of all modern birds was the tropics. When the region became overpopulated, many species were crowded north. During the summer, there was plenty of food, but during the winter, scarcity forced them to return to the tropics. A more recent theory, known as photoperiodism, suggests a relationship between increasing daylight and the stimulation of certain glands in the birds bodies that may prepare them for migration. One sci A. birds should migrate in the middle of the winter B. longer days cause changes in the bodies of birds C. seasonal changes in the length of days do not affect migration D. increasing daylight increases the distance of migration [单项选择]光泽苔藓的典型临床表现是()
A. 皮疹粟粒大小,表面有光泽 B. 皮疹呈平顶或圆顶,中央有脐点 C. 皮疹常呈线性分布 D. 可见Wickham纹 E. 青壮年多见 [判断题]5.网络的吞吐量随网络输入负荷的增大而下降,这种现象称为网络阻塞。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]断路器跳、合闸回路的出口继电器,电压线圈与电流线圈的耐压水平应足够高,能承受不低于( )的交流耐压试验。
A.中级工 000V、1min B.1000V、中级工 min C.1000V、1min D.500V、中级工 min [判断题]装运超长、超限货物,以连挂车组装运时,应注明“连挂车组不得分摘”字样。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《山东省农村信用社融资性担保公司担保贷款管理办法》中规定,根据融资性担保公司的资信状况、资金实力、管理情况等核定其年度最高担保责任限额。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲为谋取非法利益假冒乙的专利产品予以销售构成犯罪。甲的行为( )。
A. 构成诈骗罪 B. 构成假冒专利罪 C. 以假冒专利罪与诈骗罪数罪并罚 D. 构成招摇撞骗罪 [单项选择]患者女性,45岁,因蛛网膜下腔出血,昏迷3天,经抢救后病情渐稳定,现持续输液,鼻饲供给营养。
为该昏迷患者进行口腔护理时须特别注意 A. 用压舌板轻轻撑开颊部 B. 从外向里擦净口腔及牙齿的各面 C. 用血管钳夹紧棉球,棉球不可过湿 D. 操作时动作要轻 E. 观察口腔黏膜 [多选题]《南昌局集团公司客车运用维修细则》(南铁辆〔2016〕18号)规定:客运部门负责对()趟趟清理。
A.餐车炉灶台面 B.集油盒 C.车顶排气扇 D.烟筒口 [单项选择]根据营业税的相关规定,下列项目免征营业税的是()。
A. 个人销售自建自用库房 B. 从事与农业机耕、排灌、病虫害防治相关的技术培训业务 C. 残疾人福利企业为社会提供的劳务 D. 婚介公司的婚庆服务收入 [单项选择]某用户使用空调器(冷气机),额定功率为2kW(千瓦),每日启动10小时,一个月(30天)共计用电多少度()
A. 240度 B. 480度 C. 600度 D. 780度 [判断题]K5B系统需要定期对主备进行切换工作。
[单项选择]Many young people find it harder to appreciate () music than pop music.
A. simple B. light C. ancient D. classical [判断题]严禁在起重吊物吊臂下穿行或停留。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对客观事物作判断时,常利用内部的参照,自己对事物作出判断的认知方式属于( )。
A. 冲动型 B. 沉思型 C. 场独立型 D. 场依存型 [判断题]People usually use formal language when they first meet someone.
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