Why Is Integrity Matters
A.The key to integrity is consistency—not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each and every day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical (道德的) standards even when making life’s hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.
B.What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse (缺失) of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.
Risky Business
C.We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-mak
The American Industry A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. Its scientists were the world’s best, its workers the most skilled. America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed. It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. Just as inevitably, the retreat from predominance proved painful. By the mid-1980s Americans had found themselves at a loss over their fading industrial comp A. Employees in the American industry are on a diet. B. The American industry has reduced redundant staff. C. The American industry has shrunk. D. The American industry has been made more efficient. [单项选择]教育质的规定性主要体现在()。
A. 教育具有社会性 B. 教育具有稳定性 C. 教育是培养人的社会活动 D. 教育是一种转化活动的过程 [多选题]新安法第九十二条规定:生产经营单位的主要负责人未履行本法规定的安全生产管理职责,导致发生生产安全事故的,由安全生产监督管理部门依照下列规定处以罚款:( )
A.发生一般事故的,处上一年年收入百分之三十的罚款; B.发生较大事故的,处上一年年收入百分之四十的罚款; C.发生重大事故的,处上一年年收入百分之六十的罚款; D.发生特别重大事故的,处上一年年收入百分之八十的罚款。 [判断题] TN-C-S系统是保护线与中性线完全分开的系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对拒不执行停产执法决定的生产经营单位,实施停电停水等强制措施,可以采取口头或者书面的形式?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]钻套和钻夹头是用来()进行()的夹具。
[判断题]与银行兑换的硬币,当金额不符时,应立即上报值班站长或(副)站长到票务室核实,并在《客运值班员日志》和《 零币兑换清单》中做好记录,多余钱款随当天票款解行,并在《车站现金收入日报》做好备注,差额部分由银行进行结算补足。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《电力安全事故应急处置和调查处理条例》规定.事故调查报告应当 包括哪些内容?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防救援人员的招录.使用和退出有着一套_____,_____,_____,_____的管理机制,具有非常高的职业稳定性。
A.规范.顺畅.公正.完整 B.完整.规范.顺畅.公正 C.公正.规范.顺畅.完整 D.顺畅.规范.公正.完整 [单项选择]白蛋白合成减少的疾病是()
A. 慢性肝炎 B. 营养不良 C. 糖尿病 D. 大面积烧伤 E. 肾病综合征 [判断题]押运途中发生物品丢失,应立即报警
[单选题]LTE OMC前后台建链失败时,建链消息EV_CONNECTION_ SNMP_ ASK_ FAILURE中,第21和22字节数据(前后台的建链消息号)为:
A.16212 B.16213 C.16214 D.16215 [判断题]只要列入铁路总公司采信目录的铁路信号产品,都可上道使用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]. 工程量清单表第200章是( )。
A.总则 B.路基 C.路面 D.桥梁涵洞 [多选题]安全督查可分为()四类。
A.驻点督查 B.旁站督查 C.巡视督查 D.视频督查 [多项选择]土钉支护工艺有( )。
A. 先锚后喷 B. 边锚边喷 C. 先喷后锚 D. 隧道锚喷 E. ‘土坡锚喷 [多选题]倒闸操作的类别有()。
A.监护操作 B.单人操作 C.检修人员操作 D.遥控操作 [单项选择]The goals () he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.
A. after which B. with which C. for which D. at which [单选题] 判断电流产生磁场方向用()
A.左手定则 B.右手定则 C.安培定则 D.愣次定律 [填空题]A. train B. post office C. coat
D. hotel E. zoo F. blackboard G. umbrella You can see many kinds of animals there. [判断题]( )(J错误-EC04)轴的结构设计完成后,应按轴的扭转强度进行校核计算。(0.5分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]郑某,鼻燥,流血数日,且自觉口腔干燥,伴有身体发热,咳嗽,痰少,舌质红,苔薄,脉数。此病的治法是()。
A. 清热泻火 B. 清肝泻火、凉血止血 C. 补气摄血 D. 清泄肺热、凉血止血 E. 益气固表 [判断题]高速铁路有砟轨道道床应根据脏污程度有计划地进行清筛,保持道床弹性和排水良好,防止轨枕空吊和道床翻浆。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些属于联锁的板卡?
A.VLE板 B.VPS板 C.I/OBUS2板 D.I/OBE2板 E.VIIB板 [单项选择]行车中遇有前方发生交通事故,需要帮助时,应怎样做?
A. 尽量绕道躲避 B. 立即报警,停车观望 C. 协助保护现场,并立即报警 D. 加速通过,不予理睬 我来回答: 提交