Wood carving refers to the art of
creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool.
This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style.
The following is some introduction about wood carving in America. Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool. However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that made possible mass production of gunstocks, shoe lasts, oblong A. arts and crafts B. political leaders C. logging industries D. fashion design [单选题]25HZ轨道电路,送电端有扼流变压器时,其电阻R为( )Ω。【《普速铁路信号维护规则》技术标准第55页第7行】
A.1Ω B.2.2Ω C.3Ω D.4.4Ω [单选题]车站列控中心系统的安全冗余结构采用()。
A.3取2 B.2x2取2 C.N+1 D.1+1 [单选题] 焊接接头的轨头工作面经外形精整后表面不平度应满足:在焊缝中心线两侧各100mm范围内,表面不平度不大于( )mm.
A. 0.1 B.0.2 C.0.4 D.0.5 [多项选择]下列各项中,在填列资产负债表时应根据总账科目余额和明细账科目余额分析填列的项目有()。
A. 应付债券 B. 应付账款 C. 预付款项 D. 长期待摊费用 [单选题]国务院办公厅《关于保障城市轨道交通安全运行的意见》由 发布。
A.国务院 B.国务院办公厅 C.交通运输部 D.以上联合 [简答题]简述政治上层建筑和观念上层建筑的关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]纵向扫地杆采用直角扣件固定在距离基础上表面小于等于()mm处的立杆内侧。横向扫地杆采用直角扣件固定在紧靠纵向扫地杆下方的立杆上。
A.150 B.200 C.250 D.300 [单选题]实行优惠的卧铺车票要在票面记载“( )”字样。
A.卧 B.折 C.优惠 D.折扣 [单选题]要尊重指战员合法权益和合理需求,坚持经常性思想工作、( )和排忧解难“三结合”,主动帮助解决实际困难和问题。
A.政治工作 B.心理工作 C.组织工作 D.管理工作 [多选题]社会主义政治发展的必然要求是坚持()有机统一
A.民主集中制 B.坚持党的领导 C.人民当家作主 D.依法治国 [简答题]开关站典型操作任务包括的内容和要求有哪些?
A.经蝶再次手术 B.开颅再次手术 C.放射治疗 D.药物治疗 E.继续观察 我来回答: 提交