Humans are forever forgetting that they
can’ t control nature. Exactly 20 years ago, a Time magazine cover story
announced that scientists are on the verge of being able to predict the time,
place and even the size of earthquakes. "The people of quake-ravaged Kobe
learned last week how wrong that assertion was." None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniform warning signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming tremor is mild or a killer. Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors, says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology. So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossible. One reason: Quakes start deep in the earth, so scientists can’ t study them directly. If a quake precursor were found, it would A. scientists can never be able to predict the coming of earthquakes B. the existing power on predicting earthquakes is somewhat exaggerated C. quite a lot of scientific assertions are groundless D. earthquake predictions are beyond the reach of scientists [多选题]自动呼吸复苏器由( )组成,并配有一个减压流量调程计(0—16升)。[2分]
A. 200巴的氧气瓶.手动气袋 B. 喉管插入器 C. 供氧面罩 D. 鼻饲器和抽气器 [单选题]Q345钢材的强度为()。
A.极限强度345MPa B.屈服强度345MPa C.极限强度345kgf/c㎡ D.屈服强度345kgf/c㎡ [简答题]简述加深受传者对广告理解的方法。
[单项选择]在建设项目竣工决算报表中,反映建设项目全部资金来源情况和资金占用情况的是( )。
A. 竣工财务决算审批表 B. 建设项目概况表 C. 竣工财务决算表 D. 交付支用财产总表 [单选题]持续推进“三去一降一补”,优化市场供求结构。“一补”是指( )。 ( )
A. 补产能 B. 补投入 C. 补短板 D. 补资金 我来回答: 提交