The Silo Paulo city health service has
launched a 42mn-real (US $14.6mn) {{U}} (19) {{/U}} system to integrate
the city’s 756 health sector {{U}} (20) {{/U}}, including 65 hospitals
and 356 clinics, health {{U}} (21) {{/U}} coordinator Antonio Carlos Leda
told BNamericas. "We think the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} is small, given the size of the city, and will quickly provide {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. That doesn’t even take into account the improvement in {{U}} (24) {{/U}} of quality of service," Leda said. The investment includes approximately 12mn reais in software and network {{U}} (25) {{/U}}, along with 30mn reais in computers. The software, based o A. A.transported B.transferred C.transmitted D.passed [单项选择]先秦诸子中主张"克己复礼"的人是()。
A. 孟子 B. 孔子 C. 墨子 D. 荀子 [简答题]处理乘客投诉时,根据乘客要求决定采取措施,是重要的处理要点之一,以下理解正确的是(____)
[单项选择]黄金收购量大于销售量,基础货币量将( )。
A. 不变 B. 增加 C. 减少 D. 不确定 [多选题]甲在卖淫女乙的美容店内商量好了价格,乙便领着甲到了里间,甲将200元人民币交给了乙,乙随手放在了桌子上。两人发生性关系时,被民警当场查获,经现场勘验,房间内有乙的手机、甲给乙的200元钱、甲使用完的避孕套及乙曾使用过的注射毒品的器具。以上物品中可以扣押的是( )。
A.乙的手机 B.甲给乙的200元钱 C.甲使用完的避孕套 D.乙曾使用过的注射毒品的器具 [判断题]煤矿、非煤矿山、危险化学品、烟花爆竹、金属冶炼等生产经营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员每年再培训时间不得少于12学时。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]快速班列专用货车(PB和P65)不按普通棚车(P)统计。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]转正不满( )的员工,不参与本年度绩效考核,不占用指标名额。
[单选题] 当防御针对后端数据库的攻击时, 应采用的深层防御手段不包括 ()。
A.使用参数化查询 B.删除或禁用不必要的数据库功能 C.及时安装所有安全补丁 D.限制应用程序数据库帐户权限 [单项选择]老龄犬表现长期呕吐、体重减轻,触诊腹部有异常的团块结构,提示发生的疾病为()
A. 胃内异物 B. 肥大性幽门窦 C. 胃肿瘤 D. 急性胃扩张 E. 胃动力性障碍 [单选题] 泡沫灭火剂按其灭火的适用范围不包括( )。
A.抗溶泡沫灭火剂 B.普通型 C.机械泡沫灭火剂 [填空题]To read this page, you must use your
eyes.The blind can read, too, but they must use them fingers. (76) Over 100 years ago in France, a young boy was play in his father’ s workshop. He (77) was making holes in a piece of leather (皮革) (78) ) with a pointed tool. All at once, the tool flied from his hands and struck his face. (79) This child, Louis Braille, had been injured (80) his eyes. Soon he was blind. In those days, few blind people could read. Then, years lat- er, Louis Braille had an idea. He remember (81) the holes he has once made in leather. If he (82) pushed the tool only part way through (83) leather, he could feel rised dots on the other (84) side. Using from one to five raised dots, he made up an alphabet (字母表). Today, man [单选题]描述某矿物成分为偶见,其含量应小于()。
A.0.50% B.1% C.3% [单选题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》第7.2.3条规定:道岔保养质量评定,轨道几何尺寸,轨距、水平、轨向、高低、支距、扭曲、轨距变化率超过经常保养容许偏差管理值,每处扣( )分。
A.4 B.8 C.16 D.41 [多项选择]我国产业结构优化和升级的目标是
A. 优先发展信息产业,积极发展高新技术产业 B. 优先发展重工业 C. 坚持用高新技术和先进适用技术改造提升传统产业,大力振兴装备制造业 D. 加快发展服务业特别是现代服务业 [单选题]输血后出现非溶血性发热的主要原因是
A.过敏反应 B.污染 C.致热原 D.感染 E.凝集 [单项选择]
当葱绿的叶子逐渐变黄,纷纷飘落时,我们却收获了累累的果实;当洁白美丽的雪野悄然______后,我们却迎来了生机盎然的春天;当一轮辉煌的太阳______后,我们却欣赏到了充满诗意的月亮。 A. 消失;隐退 B. 消失;落下 C. 消逝;隐退 D. 消逝;落下 我来回答: 提交