When to Take Medicine Is Important{{/B}} Our bodies are wonderfully skillful at maintaining balance. When the temperature jumps, we sweat to cool down. When our blood pressure falls, our hearts pound to compensate. As it turns out, though, our natural state is not a steady one. Researchers are finding that everything from blood pressure to brain function varies rhythmically with the cycles of sun, moon and seasons. And their insights are yielding new strategies for keeping away such common killers as heart disease and cancer. Only one doctor in 20 has a good knowledge of the growing field of "chronotherapeutics", the strategic use of time (chronos) in medicine. But according to a new American Medical Association poll, three out of four are eager to change that. "That field is exploding," says Michael Smolensky. A. They adjust themselves timely in line with their physical conditions. B. People increase or lower the body temperature by sweating. C. People’s hearts pound to compensate when the blood pressure goes up. D. Both B and C. [判断题]对女性人犯的谈话教育,由女干警或者二名以上干警进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生事故并造成人员伤亡和装备、财产损失的单位,应当迅速采取有效措施组织抢救,(),防止事态扩大,消除不良影响,并保护事故现场。
A.优先救治伤员 B.组织人员疏散和脱险 C.抢救装备、物资 D.减少人员伤亡和财产损失 [多选题]对有证据证明有犯罪事实,可能判处徒刑以上刑罚,采取取保候审尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,应当予以逮捕的是( )。
A.犯罪嫌疑人甲,可能毁灭、伪造证据 B.犯罪嫌疑人乙,会实施新的犯罪 C.犯罪嫌疑人丙,可能会对举报人打击报复 D.犯罪嫌疑人丁,企图逃跑 [单项选择]在Windows操作系统中可以通过安装()组件创建FTP站点。
A. IIS B. IE C. WWW D. DNS [判断题]列车运行,原则上以开往北京方向为下行,反之为上行。(《铁路技术管理规程》(高速铁路部分)第211条)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据作战手段、目标和目的的不同信息作战的基本形式有
A.咖啡 B.牛奶 C.茶 D.维生素C. E.以上均不能同服 [单选题]( )是指易燃或可燃液体表面产生闪燃的最低温度。
A.燃点 B.爆点 C.闪点 D.临界点 [单选题]汽油泵在吸油时,凸轮轴的偏心轮顶起摇臂,绕其轴偏转带动内摇臂向同一方向转动,内摇臂拉动泵膜拉杆并压缩泵膜弹簧使泵膜向下运动,膜片上方的油腔容积增大而形成真空度,这时( ),汽油便经进油管接头进入油腔内。
A.进油阀关闭,而出油阀开启 B.进油阀开启,而出油阀关闭 C.进油阀开启,出油阀也开启 D.进油阀关闭,出油阀也关闭 [判断题]第二种工作票和带电作业工作票应在工作前一日预先交给工作许可人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]操作票应事先连续编号,计算机生成的操作票应在正式出票前连续编号,操作票按编号顺序使用。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交