[A] Various definitions and interpretations of happiness.
[B] One episode of enjoying happiness.
[C] Some misconceptions about happiness.
[D] Where to seek happiness
[E] Happiness is equivalent to the ability to rejoice.[
F] The complexity of how to define happiness.
"Are you happy" I asked my brother, Ian, one day. "Yes. No. It depends what you mean," he said.
"Then tell me," I said, "when was the last time you think you were happy"
"April 1967," he said.
It served me right for putting a serious question to someone who has joked his way through life. But Ian’s answer reminded me that when we think about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight--and those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.
41. __________.
For a child, happiness has a magical quality. I remember making hide-outs in newl
The word "bankruptcy" comes from banes
rotta, Italian for broken bench. The custom was that when a medieval trader
failed to pay his creditors, his trading bench was broken. Since bankruptcy was
taken off the street and put into the statute book, it has become rather more
complicated. Bankruptcy is as necessary for capitalism as profit; together they make up the stick and carrot which persuade businessmen to work. In Europe the accountants and lawyers who make a living from overseeing bankrupt companies expect the coming year to provide a bumper crop; in America bankruptcy courses are among the most popular at business schools. Only in Japan are experts talking about a possible decline in bankruptcies. Analyzing companies involves much the same task worldwide: look at the accounts and you will get some idea of how much or how little money a f [填空题]正线施工作业须在批准的结束时间内销点,A 类施工因故需延长作业时间时,施工负责人于批准的作业结束时间前________分钟,通过车站向行调申请延点行调批准后方可延长,延长作业时间超过最晚施工结束时间________分钟的按抢修办理。
A. 横稳性好 B. 操纵灵活 C. 兴波阻力小 D. 以上都对 [不定项选择题]A.阿卡波糖
A.甲苯磺丁脲 B.曲格列酮 C.胰岛素 D.苯乙双胍 E.肝功能障碍的轻型糖尿病临床可用 [填空题]铁路信号分为视觉信号和( )。
[判断题]主生产计划是由订单和生产计划所驱动。( )
A. 2.6 B. 3.6 C. 12.6 D. 13.6 [判断题]Vmax>正确60km/h的正线道岔轨距临时补修允许偏差管理值+5、-3mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]低压架空线路导线型号的选择,采用铝芯导线时,E 类供电区域主干线导线截面应不小于( ) mm2。
A.A、50、 B.B、70、 C.C、90、 D.D、120 我来回答: 提交