I can clearly remember the first time I
met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster, 21 that was over twenty
years ago. During the war, I was at school in the north of England. As soon as
it ended, my family returned to London. There were not enough schools left for
children to go to and my father had to go from one school to another, asking
them to 22 me as a pupil. I used to go with him but he had
such a 23 time trying to persuade people even to see him that
I seldom had to do any tests. We had been to all the schools near we lived, but
the more my father argued, the more 24 it became. In the end,
we went to a A. enjoy B. mind C. stop D. help [判断题]DVOR30HZFM信号的空间调制产生的是一个完整的调幅波,所以它的调制方式是调幅。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](44823)列车侧向过道岔最高速度 45km/h,满足这一条件的普通型道岔必须是()。 (1.0分)
A.9 号 B.11 号 C.12 号 D.18 号 [单项选择]Some people were against the new education for women because _____.
A. they thought women clever and educated enough already. B. they were afraid of clever women and thought they would be badly-behaved. C. women thought they would get bored with education and want to enjoy themselves. D. women were afraid they would not benefit from a good education. [单选题]纳税人因改变土地性质、容积率等土地使用条件需补缴土地岀让价款,应当缴纳契税的纳税乂务发生时间为改变土地使用条件的当日。发生上述情形,按规定不再需要办理土地、房屋权属登记的,纳税人应自纳税义务发生之日起()申报缴纳契税
A.10日内 B.15日内 C.30日内 D.90日内 [判断题]安防系统摄像机登录密码忘记时,可通过摄像机后面板[RESET]按钮恢复到出厂值。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用钳形电流表测量低压线路和配电变压器低压侧电流,应注意不触及其他带电部位,以防接地短路。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]有眩晕、眼震、构音障碍、交叉性瘫痪,见于
A.椎基底动脉血栓形成 B.大脑前动脉血栓形成 C.大脑中动脉血栓形成 D.蛛网膜下腔出血 E.小脑出血 [多选题]在可能存在有( )、( )带电的设备上作业,或在( )进行多专业协同作业时,工作负责人应专职监护,不得参与作业。
A.交叉 B.间歇 C.同一停电范围内 D.一个电气连接部分 [单项选择]真菌性肺炎的常见病原菌是()
A. 白假丝酵母菌 B. 曲霉菌 C. 毛霉菌 D. 新生隐球菌 E. 卡氏肺孢菌 [多选题]以下属于无缝线路应力放散的方法的是。
A.滚筒 B.滚筒配合拉伸 C.列车碾压 D.滚筒结合拉伸配合撞轨 [单项选择]大肠与小肠的交接处是()
A. 阑门 B. 幽门 C. 吸门 D. 贲门 E. 魄门 [单项选择]刘某夫妻与杨某是大学同学,关系甚密。后来刘某与杨某在生意中发生纠纷,刘某起诉至法院,要求杨某给付货款4000元。法院受理后依法开庭审理,在审理中杨某提出刘某的妻子曾向其借款5000元,至今未还,要求刘某夫妻用货款抵债并偿还其余1000元。法院对此应如何处理
A. 将杨某的请求作为反诉与原诉讼合并审理 B. 中止给付货款的诉讼 C. 追加刘某的妻子为第三人 D. 告知被告杨某另行起诉 [判断题] 滴定管、吸液管和容量瓶的标称容量一般是指15℃时的容积。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高压氧对血液系统的影响主要包括( )
A.红细胞减少 B.细胞沉降率加快 C.白细胞增加 D.凝血时间延长 E.血小板减少 [单项选择]下列各项检查中,用来鉴别Cushing病和肾上腺皮质癌较可信的是()
A. 血皮质醇测定 B. 尿游离皮质醇测定 C. 尿17-羟测定 D. 小剂量地塞米松抑制试验 E. 大剂量地塞米松抑制试验 [判断题]吊钩是起重机安全作业的三大重要构件之一。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]地方党委对公安工作有权做出决策,具体内容包括( )。
A. 做好组织协调工作 B. 进行宏观公安决策 C. 对重大问题做出必要批示 D. 必要时可以行使侦查权 [判断题]客舱乘务员只要有一次以正常方式无法与驾驶舱取得联络,可判定飞行机组成员已丧失能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]If we read English language newspapers or listen to newspapers who
use English in all different parts of the world, we will quickly develop 81.____
the impression that one form of English is so widely used that will 82.____
soon unite all the different varieties of English which exist. Is there enough
evidence for support this impression It is in fact misled in several 83.____
ways since a version of English which is exactly the same everywhere and 84.____
has the same high status throughout the world do not yet exist. 85.____
For one thing, people who’s first language is English value their linguistic 86.____
Identity. Therefore, they try to preserve it from the influence of
other forms of English. New Zealand, for example, do not want to speak like
Australians. In addition, there are too much regional differences in 87.____
vocabulary of the language to be the same everywhere. People need 88.____
specialized words in order to discuss locally politics, business, culture 8
A. 实例连接关系 B. 消息连接关系 C. 通用-特定关系 D. 整体-部分关系 [填空题]《行车设备施工登记簿》及《行车设备检查登记簿》(简称“登记薄”)是行车设备施工、维修、检查、( )办理有关登销记的原始记录,是确认行车设备使用条件的重要依据,同时也是加强行车设备养护,提高设备质量,明确责任划分,确保行车安全的一项重要内容。
A.紧缩的货币政策 B.紧缩的财政政策 C.紧缩的收入政策 D.积极的供给政策 [填空题]在一定范围内,可以任意调节速度的调速方法称为( )。
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