LAST month, America’s National Law
Journal told its readers that "employment lawyers are warning lovestruck
co-workers to take precautions in the office before locking lips outside". The
advice came too late for Harry Stonecipher. The boss of Boeing was forced to
resign last weekend—for reasons that will strike many outsiders as absurd—after
his board were told of an affair that the 68-year-old married man had been
conducting with a female employee "who did not report directly to
him", Inevitably, as the week rolled on, details of the affair rolled out. The other party was re2 ported to be Debra Peabody, who is unmarried and has worked for Boeing for 25 years. The couple were said to have first got together at Boeing’s annual retreat at Palm Desert, California in January. After that much of the affair must have been conducted from a A. likes finding secret affairs. B. discloses secrets to others. C. blows the whistle as a job. D. forward messages for people. [判断题]10kV用户分界负荷开关,当用户侧发生单相接地故障时,会立即自动跳闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司铁路旅客电子客票实施细则(暂行)》(上铁客〔2020〕180号 )规定,符合购买儿童票条件的旅客购买铁路电子客票时,必须使用()或()的有效身份证件。
A.本人 B.父母 C.同行成年人 D.成年人 [多选题] 大型构件与设备液压同步提升系统主要由( )等部分组成。
A.柔性钢绞线或刚性支架承重系统 B.电液比例液压控制系统 C.计算机控制系统 D.传感器检测系统 E.液压提升器 [单项选择]婴幼儿读书写字时,光线应该来自身体的()。
A. 左侧 B. 右侧 C. 左上方 D. 右上方 [判断题] 备自投暗备用方式是指在正常运行情况下,无明显断开的备用电源,而只是几个工作电源互为备用的接线方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]机器设备的寿命,一般分为( )。
A. 技术寿命 B. 经济寿命 C. 理论寿命 D. 实际寿命 E. 自然寿命 [单项选择]用利润分成率测算专利权收益额,常以()替代利润分成率。
A. 成本分成率 B. 资本化率 C. 成本利润率 D. 销售收入分成率 我来回答: 提交