Nike is one of the world’s best-known sports shoe and clothes companies. It earns over $1 billion a year. It markets running shoes, walking shoes, basketball shoes, jogging(慢跑)suits, and many other related products.
In spite of its success, Nike relies very much on famous people’s support to promote consumer sales. Over the past few years, Nike has made good use of one of the most popular names in sports history: Michael Jordan for Air Jordan basketball shoes and clothing.
In the first two years on the market, Nike sold 2 million pairs of Air Jordan’s; and sales from the shoes and clothing reached $100 million. Michael Jordan’s fee $2.5 million over five years, a royalty(使用费)on all items sold, and a number of other benefits.
Nike’s promotion efforts for Air Jordan have been impressive. It decided to hire Michael Jordan after he starred for the gold-medal winning in 1984 U. S. Olympic basketball team. He has since become an exc
A. drinking coffee
B. eating at a Mcdonald’s
C. playing basketball
D. reading a magazine
There is no doubt that the relationship
’between trade and development is one of the central policy issue we face today.
We live in a world where 50% of humanity lives on less than $ 2 a day . We
live in a world{{U}} (21) {{/U}}by massive inequality between nations.
It is estimated that about 2 billion extra souls will share our crowded
planet within the next 30 years. However, we face a world of incredible{{U}}
(22) {{/U}}and challenges. Trade and trade policy must play their
roles as a part of a wider development scenario. And WTO’s efforts to push
forward this{{U}} (23) {{/U}}must be strengthened and A. completely B. controlleD. C. characterizeD. D. conquered [判断题]BG40/30,40代表最高压力,30代表最高压力时出水流量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]若变量已正确定义并赋值,以下符合C++语言语法的表达式是
A. a:=b+1 B. a=b=c+2 C. int 18.5%3 D. a=a+7=c+b [单项选择]下列哪项不属于第三产业 ( )
A. 教育 B. 社会福利 C. 邮电通信 D. 航天 [多选题]综合测站观测频度为:距掘进工作面50m以内和距回采工作面100m以内,每( )至少观测一次,其它情况每( )至少观测一次。
A.A、班 B.B、天 C.C、周 D.D、月 [单项选择]You're no more capable of speaking Chinese ()I am.
A. than B. as C. that D. so [单选题]箱壁防撒漏的天然木箱的容器编码是( )。;
A.4C B.4D1 C.4C2 D.4C1 [多选题]单车试验:装有高度阀、差压阀的客车准备量程( )kPa、精度等级为( )级的压力表。
A.600 B.800 C.1000 D.1 E.1 F.6 G.2 [单选题]德育方法的运用应该依据德育内容、德育目标和学生的()。
A.年龄特点和个性差异 B.年龄特点和学习效果 C.个性差异和学习态度 D.个性差异和学生愿望 [多选题]制动力大小与哪些因素有关( )。
A.制动缸内空气压力的大小 B.制动缸活塞直径的大小 C.制动倍率的大小 D.机车速度的大小 E.闸瓦与车轮间摩擦系数的变化 [多项选择]《金融期货投资者适当性制度实施办法》规定,期货公司会员只能为获得监管机构或者主管机关批准从事金融期货交易的特殊法人投资者申请开立金融期货交易编码,此处的“特殊法人”包括______。
A. 证券公司 B. 基金公司 C. 合格境外机构投资者 D. 须经监管机构或者主管机关批准才能参与金融期货交易的其他法人 [单项选择]下列描述属于阳的是()
A. 滋润 B. 凝聚 C. 抑制 D. 温煦 E. 下降 [多选题]电力监控系统中防火墙必须配置哪几类用户()
A.管理员 B.虚系统用户 C.审计员 D.浏览者 [单选题]因为是不对称式的构图,容易产生失重感,因此调整其均衡与稳定就( )。
A.毫无必要 B.大可忽视 C.十分重要 D.不必重视 我来回答: 提交