Passage 5 The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will. Each of us wants to feel he or she has the ability to do (1) that is meaningful and that serves as a (2) to our inherent abilities. It is easiest to see this (3) the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or (4) . You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and (5) the product of his personal skill. But even (6) there is no obvious end product that is (7) attributable to one person’s skill, researchers have found that employees find pride in accomplishment. Our own research in hospitals suggests that (8) the housekeeping and laundry staffs take pride in the A. look at B. see C. admire D. observe [单项选择]
British Government
When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide (51) will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each (52) one of the three main political parties in Britain today. [填空题]双机或多机牵引时,本务机车的职务由( )机车担当。 J256
A. 颊淋巴结炎 B. 咬肌间隙脓肿 C. 咽旁间隙感染 D. 翼静脉丛水肿 E. 翼下颌间隙感染 [填空题]与儒家正统思想迥异,堪称中国社会福利思想异端的是( )
A.60 B.120 C.200 D.250 [单选题]人工撬挖土石方采取人工打孔时,打锤人不得戴手套,并应站在扶钎人的()面。
A.侧 B.上 C.后 D.前 [单选题]未安装屏蔽门在车站,遇乘客掉落大件物品侵入限界影响列车运营时,第一时间应当( )。
A.立即按压紧急停车按钮 B.做好乘客安抚工作 C.报告行调 D.到站台上捡取掉落物 [单选题]甲男与乙女登记结婚后,因甲多次实施家庭暴力,乙不能忍受遂提出离婚,甲请求原谅,并与乙签订了一份保证协议,约定如果甲今后再对乙实施家庭暴力,则赔偿乙 30 万元。这份协议的效力为:
A.有效 B.无效 C.待生效 D.是否有效由法院决定 [单选题] 出现特殊异常情况或有理由认为涉及案件风险的账户,要采取( )对账措施,对有关账户的发生额和余额进行全面对账。
A.按时 B.按日 C.临时性 D.以上都对 [单选题]MX21有毒气体探测仪是一种便携式智能型有毒气体检测仪,通过四种专门探测元件可以同时检测( )气体,如可燃气体,有毒气体,氧气和有机挥发性气体,
A.一类 B.二类 C.三类 D.四类 [单选题] 【考核点:0109020201007;题型:单选题;难度:中;类型:专业】
含硫化氢天然气集输管道清管作业收发球杆应采用防爆收发球杆,打开盲板后,应在( )内对收发球筒内部进行喷淋操作,防止硫化亚铁自燃。 A.1S; B.2S; C.3S; D.4S; [填空题]铁和碳形成的Fe3C称为( ),它是铁碳合金组织中主要的强化相,其数量和分布情况对铁碳合金的性能有很大影响。
A. 腹胀 B. 停止排气、排便 C. 呕吐频繁 D. 血便 E. 腹部包块 [单选题]下述元素脱氧能力降低顺序是
A.Mn-Si-Al B.Si-Mn-Al C.Al-Si-Mn D.Si-Al-Mn 我来回答: 提交