Man: What’s for dinner
Woman: (1)
Man: How about a pizza
Woman: (2)
Man: But I love pizza.
Woman: Everybody loves pizza.
Man: (3)
Woman: Because we need variety.
Man: What do you mean by "variety"
Woman: Different things--not the same thing all the time.
Man: (4)
Woman: No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza.
Not all decisions are alike. Nor is
every decision made in the same manner. Although some actions you undertake
derive their basis from newly made decisions, there are other instances when
decision-making does not really take place. The latter, according to Deacon and
Firebaugh, may involve routine, programmed, impulsive or intuitive action. When
you wake up in the morning and prepare to attend class, do you consciously make
decisions about such things as which side of your hair to comb first, how to
brush your teeth, or which shoe to put on first Probably not. Although you may
have made a conscious decision about what you were going to wear to class, you
probably didn’t spend any time in making a decision about how to get ready to
at- tend class. Every individual has certain habits or routine behaviors.
Although they originate A. how to prepare to go to school B. how to have the breakfast C. what clothes to wear to class D. which shoe to put on first [单项选择]精囊炎和雄性激素分泌不足时()
A. 精浆果糖含量减低 B. 精浆α葡萄糖苷酶活性降低 C. 精子顶体酶活性降低 D. 精浆锌含量降低 E. 精浆酸性磷酸酶活性降低 [单项选择]The passage is written for the purpose of ______.
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]TJWX—2000型微机监测系统每一台开关量采集机占用一个组匣,可插入()块开关量输入板。
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