Let me speak first to parents. You are
the ones who plant, or fail to plant, the seeds of character in your children.
Try from the beginning to put into your children’s minds the capacity to feel
shame by letting them know that, just as there are actions for which they can
win praise, so there are others--lying, cheating, stealing--that are
unacceptable and for which they will be punished. As parents, you are not alone in your efforts to form character. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach accountability and strengthen it with pressure of equals. Churches are also strong helpers. I remember clearly an event from my childhood. In our church’s Sunday school playroom was a set of little lead cowboys and Indians. One day, I took one of them home, and that night my brother A. show how parents should deal with their children’s fault. B. illustrate the importance of instilling children with the sense of shame. C. make known his past. D. warn parents to be cautious when they punish their children. [判断题]裂隙率是裂隙体积与不包括裂隙在内的岩石体积的比值。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实现企业的战略发展目标,需要通过()这种纽带和桥梁建立企业与员工的和谐关系。
A.行为规范 B.企业文化 C.组织纪律 D.职业道德 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Understanding Autism
1 Autism(孤独症)is a life-long developmental disability that prevents individuals from proper-ly understanding what they see,hear,and otherwise sense. This results in severe problems of social relationships,communication, and behavior. Individuals with autism have to painstakingly(费力地) learn normal patterns of speech and communication,and appropriate ways to relate to people,ob-jects,and events,in a similar manner to those who have had a stroke. 2 The cause of autism is still unknown. Some research suggests a physical problem affecting those parts of the brain that process language and information coming in from the senses. There may be some imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain. Genetic(遗传的)factors may sometimes be in-volved. Autism may indeed result from a combination of several“causes”. 3 Most people with mental retardation(智力迟钝)show relatively even skill develop-ment. Individuals with autism,however,typically show uneven skill development,with deficits(欠缺)in certain areas一most frequently in their ability to communicate and relate to others一and distinct skills in other areas.It is important to distinguish autism from mental retardation or ether disorders, since diagnostic(诊断的)confusion may lead to inappropriate and ineffective treatment techniques. 4 In general,individuals with autism perform best at jobs which are structured and involve a degree of repetition. Some people who have autism are working as artists,piano tuners,painters,farm workers,office workers,computer operators,dishwashers,assembly line workers,or employees of sheltered workshops or other sheltered work settings. Autism and mental retardation should be treated with______. A.different techniques B.social relationships and communication C.language and information D.several causes working together E.a degree of repetition F.skill development [判断题]( )夏、商、周三代的旅游主要是帝王巡游、政治旅行和商旅活动
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对高压管道的焊口进行热处理时,加热长度应为焊缝宽度的( )倍,且不大于100mm。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.10 [单项选择]37岁,初孕妇,孕24周,有高血压史5年,糖尿病史10年,B超检查提示羊水过多,该孕妇发生羊水过多最可能的原因是( )
A. 高龄初产 B. 胎儿神经管畸形 C. 妊娠合并糖尿病 D. 妊娠合并高血压 E. 不明原因 [单选题]在管理信息内网终端设备上启用无线通信功能应经( )批准。
A.使用部门 B.信息管理部门 C.信息运维单位(部门) D.安全管理部门 我来回答: 提交