{{B}}FAMILY BUSINESSES{{/B}} A great many people maybe at some stage in their lives consider setting up a business with their family members. The idea may seem very attractive, but the reality of working with someone close to you can often cause unforeseen problems. 80% of family-run businesses think that when times get tough, love, romance or family bonds will see them through. But the fact is that although 70% of businesses are family-run, only 40% of these companies survive to the second generation. Why do so many family businesses fail While money has traditionally been thought to be the root of all difficulties, the major problem is mu A. Because they are frequently facing financial problems. B. Because the family members in these companies do not trust each other. C. Because there are often communicative problems within family members. D. Because they do not focus on family ties. [多选题]在下水道、煤气管线、潮湿地、垃圾堆或有腐质物等附近挖坑时,应设监护人。在挖深超过2m的坑内工作时,应采取安全措施,如( )等。
A.戴口罩 B.戴防毒面具 C.向坑中送风 D.持续检测 [单选题]下列关于无租约限制价值、出租人权益价值和承租人权益价值关系的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.合同租金与市场租金的差异程度,对无租约限制价值没有影响 B.无租约限制价值=出租人权益价值-承租人权益价值 C.承租人权益价值只能是正的 D.计算承租人权益价值时需要考虑运营费用 [单选题]下列城市以花卉命名的是____。
A.攀枝花 B.菏泽 C.洛阳 D.广州 [判断题]从业人员在距离接触网带电部分不足2m的建筑物或构筑物等设施、设备上作业前,接触网必须停电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]糖尿病引起最严重而突出的并发症是
A.呼吸系统感染 B.肾病变 C.心脑血管病变 D.眼部病变 E.糖尿病足 [判断题]悬挂机构前支架严禁支撑在女儿墙上,女儿墙外或建筑物挑檐边缘. ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]合理组织生产物流的基本要求中不包括()
A.物流过程的连续性 B.物流过程的扩充性 C.物流过程的节奏性 D.物流过程的平行性 [单项选择]Lasswell's and Edelman's studies are important in that they ______.
( )干扰通道的放大系数尽可能小些,时间常数尽 可能大些,干扰作用点尽量靠近调节阀,减少对象干 扰通道的容量滞后。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轴流泵是一种比转数高、( )、高效率的泵。
A.高扬程、小流量 B.低扬程、大流量 C.高扬程、大流量 D.低扬程、小流量 [多选题]钢轨探伤中,手工检查人主要负责( )
A.协助执机人员校验仪器 B.协助执机人员检查备品 C.协助执机人员抬、放、扶仪器 D.协助小组进行安全防护 我来回答: 提交