{{U}}Long after the 1998 World Cup was won,
disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing(裁判)decisions that
denied victory, to their team. {{/U}}A researcher was appointed to study the
performance of some top referees. The researcher organized an experimental tournament (锦标赛) involving four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge. Observers noted down the referees’ errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament. Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number. The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyse the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials A. slightly above average B. quite unexpected C. higher than in the 1998 World Cup D. as high as in a standard match [单项选择]彩色斩假石面层抹完后,要防止烈日曝晒或遭冰冻,在常温下一般需要养护2~3d,其强度应控制在______左右。
A. 5MPa B. 10MPa C. 15MPa D. 20MPa [简答题]火灾报警应报告内容有哪些?
[多选题]公证书公证内容应包括( )。
A.家庭关系证明 B.理赔险种名称 C.理赔金额 D.继承权分配 [判断题]10kV箱式变电站DW型空气断路器的维护,如发现灭弧栅片烧损严重或灭弧罩碎裂,可将其除去继续使用( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为加强电力生产现场管理,规范各类工作人员的行为,保证人身、电网和设备安全,依据国家有关法律、法规,(),制定本规程。
A.结合电力行业特点 B.根据工作实际 C.结合电力生产的实际 D.为满足现场需要 [填空题]()不宜扑救带电设备火灾、金属火灾、气体火灾和浓酸场所火灾。
A. listens to B. eavesdrops C. gets D. hears [单选题]三比值法气体比值范围不小于0.1而小于1时C2H4/C2H6比值范围编码为()。
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.5 [单项选择]如果您要配置一个基于JAVA的节点管理器,()不适用于该配置。
A. 您可以配置节点管理器作为Windows启动服务或UNIX平台守护进程 B. 您可以在命令行或nodemanager.properties文件指定NodeManager的属性 C. 在命令行更改NodeManager属性,会覆盖nodemanager.properties属性文件里的值 D. 如果一个机器上安装有多个ManagerServer,就应该为每个Manager Server安装独立的Node Manager [判断题]打击与防范是公安机关维护社会治安秩序和社会稳定的两手,二者互相补充,互相兼容。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交