Although (21) circuits made computers smaller, the processing units still consisted (22) a number of circuits on separate chips. In 1971, an engineer working for Intel realized that a (23) of circuits commissioned for an electronic calculator could all be put (24) one chip, and that the resulting device could be used (25) a general-purpose "computer on a chip". The result was the Intel 4004 -- the world’s first microprocessor. Physically, it consisted of a silicon chip in a protective ceramic capsule, with a set of metal pins sticking (26) that connected it to other components in whatever (27) it controlled. It (28) 2,300 transistors, (29) 60,000 operations per second, and could be used for any device -- including computers and robots -- that required a "brain" for accepting (30) and following a program of (31) to produce an output. Within five years, many very powerful micropro
A. in
B. to
C. out
D. on
As most parents of small children will reluctantly
admit, nothing can occupy a child quite like television. {{U}} (67)
{{/U}},the scientific evidence suggests that using the television as a
babysitter has its {{U}} (68) {{/U}}: the more time babies spend sitting
in front of the screen, the more their social, cognitive and language
development may {{U}} (69) {{/U}}. Recent studies show that TV-viewing
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} to decrease babies’likelihood of learning new words,
talking, playing and {{U}} (71) {{/U}} interacting with others.
A new study published Monday adds to that {{U}} (72) {{/U}} while introducing an interesting new perspective. Many studies have suggested that television blocks learning by {{U}} (73) {{/U}} youngsters’ability to interact with others, and according to Dr. Dimitri Christakis, a University of Washington p A. involve B. suffer C. engage D. survive [判断题]申请中资商业银行董事和高级管理人员任职资格时,应熟知拟任职机构的内控制度,具备与拟任职务相适应的风险管理能力。
[判断题]机泵大修后压力流量平稳,出力能满足正常生产要求,或达到铭牌能力的50%以上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]建设创新型国家的根本途径是( )
A. 增强自主创新能力 B. 转变经济发展方式 C. 实施人才兴国战略 D. 调整优化产业结构 [单选题]5个滑轮TC-50型天车工作负荷是( )。
A.400kN B.500kN C.600kN D.700kN [单选题]在复杂气象条件下,管制员应当了解( )的天气情况和演变趋势。
A.相邻管制区 B.本管制区 C.A类空域 D.B类空域 [单项选择]不是细菌耐药性机制的是()。
A. 产生灭活酶 B. 靶位的修饰和变化 C. 降低外膜的通透性 D. 加强主动流出系统 E. 增加胞浆膜的通透性 [单选题]进行心肺复苏法时,如有担架搬运伤员,应该持续做心肺复苏,中 断时间不超过( )秒。
A. 5 B. 10 C. 30 D. 60 [单选题]绝缘棒应定期进行绝缘试验,一般()试验一次。
A.每年 B.两年 C.三年 D.四年 [单选题]-C-D-002 4 2 3
高强度螺栓的抗拉强度及屈服强度为( )。 A.1000MPa,800MPa B. 1100MPa,900MPa C. 1200MPa,1100MPa D. 1100MPa,800MPa [判断题]1.204. 第204题
电缆标示牌装设点,只要在始终端悬挂就可以了。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列行为中,应以绑架罪定罪处罚的是()。
A. 以出卖为目的偷盗他人幼儿 B. 以索取赌债为目的偷盗他人婴儿 C. 以索取工程款为目的偷盗他人幼儿 D. 以索取虚构的欠款为目的偷盗他人婴儿 [单选题]静脉输液时, 下列哪项不是液体检查的内容 ( )
A. 液体的名称 B. 浓度和剂量 C. ⽣产⽇期和有效期 D. 开瓶时间 E. 液体的质量 [单选题]在出站道岔上施工,在区间方面,在()线路中心设置防护。
A.站界标相对处 B.警冲标相对处 C.距施工地点50m D.进站信号机相对处。 [单选题]铺好的无菌盘有效期为( )
A.4h B.8h C.24h D.36h E.12h [单项选择]
A. still B. even C. then D. also [多项选择]求解线性规划问题解的结果可能有()
A. 唯一最优解 B. 无可行解 C. 无穷多最优解 D. 无界解 我来回答: 提交