It was the day I froze a household pet
that I began to worry about my memory. Technically, it was not a real household
pet I froze but a bag of tropical fish, which on the scale of beloved members of
any home, rank somewhere below the family cat and above all attractive set of
coasters. And technically, I didn’t completely freeze my fish. Rather, I
absent-mindedly tossed them into the refrigerator with a bag of other things I
had bought and fortunately found them just before my highly sensitive tropical
fish could turn into lightly breaded dinner fish. Nonetheless, that near-death experience--for the fish, if not for me--woke me up to the fact that my memory might not be all it once was. In the hope of improving my memory, I decided I would first try the memory books. However, much of what I read was, at first blush A. as a result of her failing taste B. as was warned on the package C. as a result of taking the drug D. as was advised by her doctor [单选题]开关在操作时发生非全相时,应( )。
A.试合开关一次 B.一相运行时断开,两相运行时试合 C.立即隔离开关 D.立即拉开开关 [单选题]在摆放核心系统会计凭证时,每笔业务的会计凭证均应按照先主件后附件的顺序排列摆放,且应在所有附件的()加盖总行统一规格的附件章,并确保附件章完整、清晰
A.左上角 B.左下角 C.右下角 D.右上角 [单项选择]两年前,甲、乙、丙三个公司分别以50%、30%、20%的比例出资购买了一幢写字楼,当时的购买总价为6000万元,现出售总价为6600万元,则丙公司应得()万元。
A. 1200 B. 1320 C. 1400 D. 2200 [多选题]二次工作安全措施票的工作内容及安全措施内容由( )填写,由( )签发。
A.工作负责人 B.技术人员 C.班长 D.工作监护人 [单选题] 溴化锂吸收式机组中,检查真空泵油应检查的内容不包括()。
A.油的牌号 B.油位 C.油的包装 [简答题]通常我们所说的教育制度实际上就是学校教育制度。
[多选题]甲、乙两家为多年邻居,两家男主人更是多年好友。但是近日因两家孩子的一点矛盾发生争斗,且愈演愈烈,有从语言冲突上升至拳脚相加的趋势。为避免矛盾纠纷进一步扩大,公 安机关工作人员采取下列哪些方法较为合适?
A.迅速隔离矛盾双方,待其冷静后再进行调解 B.引导两家男主人回忆多年朋友情谊,分析小纠纷引发的大伤害 C.启发双方当事人转换角色,多为对方着想,学会“要想公道打个颠倒”的思想方式 D.尽快赶到现场,讲述法律法规,强制双方息事宁人 [判断题]>根据工作电压的不同,兆欧表的选用也不同。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交