Experts predict that China’s healthcare
market will have an annual growth of 6 to 8 per cent in the next few years,
making it one of the potentially most prosperous. In Shanghai, annual medical
expenditure is estimated to be 16 billion yuan (U. S. 93 billion). With an
increasingly (31) population, the growing consumption power and longer life (32) of local residents, the medical market bas great opportunities. However, limited medical resources cannot meet people’s needs (33) financial deficits in State-owned hospitals. (34) , there is room for a range of different medical organizations. As is the case with many State-owned enterprises, public hospitals in the past half century have learned a lot of bad habits: (35) management, over-staffing and bureaucratic operating procedures. Being a member A. Statistic B. Statistics C. Statistician D. Stator [名词解释]三皇五帝
[多选题]预告标设在进站信号机及线路所通过信号机外方( )、( )及( )处,但在设有预告或接近信号机及自动闭塞的区段,均不设预告标。
A.900m B.1000m C.1100m [简答题]怎样搞好库区卫生,防治虫害、保持库区的干净?
A. 外感风寒表实证 B. 外感风寒表虚证 C. 外感风寒湿邪,兼有里热证 D. 外感风寒,内伤湿滞证 E. 外寒内饮证 [单选题]下列关于消防电梯的说法中,正确的是()。
A.消防电梯应具有防火、防烟、防爆功能 B.消防电梯井、机房与相邻电梯井、机房之间应设置耐火极限不低于2.00h的防火隔墙,隔墙上的门应采用乙级防火门 C.消防电梯的行驶速度从地下一层至顶层的运行时间不宜大于60s D.消防电梯轿厢尺寸不应小于1.35m宽×1.4m深 [判断题]安全带使用前应检查是否在有效期内,是否有变形、破裂等情况。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每周日根据机修部需求对 ( ) 及损坏配件更换,确保设备能持续正常运作。
A.A、机器 B.B、地面 C.C、吸尘 D.D、设备保养 [判断题]专业文化示范单位是指经过评选和认定,在传扬南网文化、提升组织绩效、推动业务工作、塑造专业形象等方面有突出表现,在党建、安全、服务、廉洁、法治、生产等专业文化建设领域形成典型经验,能够发挥示范导向作用的单位,
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Usually, there are two reasons to pursue scientific knowledge: for the
sake of the knowledge itself, and for the practical use of that knowledge. Because this second aspect of science effects the lives of most people, (53) _____ it is much more familiar than the first. Knowledge must be gained, however, after it can be applied, and often the most important technological (54) _____ advances arise from research pursued for its own sake. Traditionally, new technology has concerned with the construction (55) _____ of machines, structures, and tools in a relatively large scale. The (56) _____ development of materials for building bridges, skyscrapers or highways is an example of this, as it is the development of the internal-combustion (57) _____ [判断题]触头的发热程度与流过触头的电流有关,与触头的接触电阻无关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down on the crisp green schoolyard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing could have ruined it. Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day, decided to go to the corner store and buy himself a little treat. As Jimmy started walking over to the store, clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pitch dark meant no trouble. On the other side of the road were three white boys from Jimmy’s same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran over the street to where he was.
"Hey Negro, what’s up" one of the white boys said. "Did your mamma pack you enough to eat today" another hooted. "Just leave me alone," little Jimmy said. "Oh no, Jimmy’s really getting pist off! " the first boy retaliated. "Just shove off and let me be," Jimmy answered. It is like this everyday, everywhere, and every time, people suffer discrimination. All because they have differences amongst each other. Different beliefs, A. Provocative. B. Indignant. C. Sentimental. D. Sarcasti [多选题]在FCU上选择TRK/FPA后,可以选择什么飞行参数
A.速度 B.航迹 C.下降率 D.轨迹角 [单项选择]企业以85000元的价格出售了一项固定资产,该固定资产原价为150000元,已提折旧60000元,款项已收到;另发生清理费用8500元,用银行存款支付。此项业务,企业发生了损失22500元,则由于该项业务企业现金流量表中“处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产而收到的现金净额”项目的金额应为 ( )元。
A. 76500 B. 75400 C. 64300 D. 73200 [单选题]施工单位应当在施工现场显著位置公告危大工程名称、施工时间和具体责任人员,并在危险区域设置()标志。
A.安全警示 B.提示 C.禁止 D.告知 E.略 F.略 [单选题]个体工商户乙欠缴营业税15万元,当税务人员上门征收税款时,乙组织甲等多人进行暴力围攻,殴打税务人员,抗拒缴纳,其中甲出手最狠,将一名税务人员打成重伤。甲的行为构成()。
A.偷税罪 B.抗税罪 C.故意伤害罪 D.抗税罪与故意伤害罪实行并罚 [不定项选择题]A.阿司匹林
A.对乙酰氨基酚 B.吲哚美辛 C.保泰松 D.布洛芬 E.广泛用于解热镇痛和抗炎抗风湿,无水杨酸反应的是 [多项选择]BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer,建设-经营-转让)是目前国际上流行的一种个体融资方式,它的巨大吸引力正在被越来越多的国家,包括发达国家和发展中国家所认识,下列有关 BOT的说法中,正确的是( )。
A. BOT是政府吸引非官方资本加入基础设施建设的一种融资方式 B. 政府以特许权形式将基础设施建设项目特许给个体公司去融资、建造并运营管理 C. 运营期间,政府拥有该项目的经营权,个体公司拥有该项目的管理责任 D. 运营期间,政府拥有该项目的管理责任,个体公司拥有该项目的经营权 E. 特许期满后,项目无偿交还给政府 [判断题]市级以上人民政府应当建立健全为居住证持有人提供基本公共服务和便利的机制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]室内灯具灯头使用的导线最小线芯面积,民用建筑中的铜线不得小于0.6平方毫米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不宜与人参放在一起的是
[判断题] 洗井作业根据设计要求可采用正洗井、反洗井或正、反洗井交替方式进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电第一种工作票应在()送达运维人员,可直接送达或通过传真、局域网传送,但传真传送的工作票许可应待正式工作票到达后履行。
A.工作当天 B.工作前一天 C.工作开工前 D.工作许可前 [单选题]在没有良好绝缘时,电缆铅包对地电位差不宜大于()。
A.正2伏 B.负1伏 C.正1伏 D.负2伏 [多项选择]战略委员会工作的范围()。
A. 对公司产品战略提出建议 B. 对公司融资方案进行研究 C. 对公司营销战略提出建议 D. 考虑公司的长期发展规划 [填空题]( )《高速铁路有砟轨道维修规则》第3.8.11条规定:无缝线路应按设计要求,保持扣件布置方式和扣件紧固程度,尤其应加强温度跨度小的桥上无缝线路小阻力扣件养护。
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