Writing Effective Job
Descriptions{{/B}} A job description describes the major areas of an employee’s job or position. A good job description begins with a careful {{U}} (19) {{/U}} of the. important facts about a job, such as the individual tasks {{U}} (20) {{/U}}, the methods used to complete the tasks, the purpose and responsibilities of the job, the {{U}} (21) {{/U}} of the job to other jobs, and the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} needed for the job. It’s important to {{U}} (23) {{/U}} a job description practical by keeping it dynamic, functional, and current. Don’t A. management B. analysis C. resume D. contract [单项选择]
A. private B. promising C. prior D. primary [单选题]按不同的传输媒介,信道分为有线信道和( )。
A.A-调制信道 B.B-无线信道 C.C-数字信道 D.D-模拟信道 [判断题]各单位应当对作业人员进行上岗前职业卫生培训和在岗期间的定期职业卫生培训,普及防暑降温、中暑急救等职业卫生知识。<《铁路劳动安全》第十二章第三节>
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]结核性胸膜炎胸腔积液可能为( )。
A.胸液蛋白含量20g/L、LDH 120U/L B.胸液蛋白含量40g/L,ADA 100U/L C.胸液蛋白含量40g/L、葡萄糖4.5mmol/L D.胸液蛋白含量40g/L、pH 7.0 [判断题]使用单轨小车可以在靠站台一侧的钢轨上推行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.14 注册登记时,对发现的违规机动车产品,车辆管理所应做好取证工作,向当地市场监督管理部门、工业和信息化部门(国产机动车)、检验检疫部门(进口机动车)通报,并通过网络逐级上报。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在道路上进行定点作业,白天不超过2h,夜间不超过1h即可完工的,在有现场交通指挥人员指挥交通的情况下,只要作业区设置了完善的安全设施,即白天设置了锥形交通路标或路栏,夜间设置了锥形交通路标或路栏及道路作业警示灯,可不设标志牌()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]评价汽车制动性能的最本质因素是()。
A. 制动距离 B. 制动减速度 C. 制动力 D. 制动时间 [判断题]起火高层建筑冒烟楼层和烟雾颜色,一般冒出烟气楼层中最下面一层的上一层为起火层。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]焊接铝及铝合金时,在焊件坡口下面放置垫板的目的是为了防止()。
A. 热裂纹 B. 冷裂纹 C. 气孔 D. 塌陷 [单项选择]下列属角化不良的是()
A. 角化层增厚 B. 角化层变薄 C. 基底层细胞角化 D. 透明角质颗粒明显 E. 角化细胞含细胞核 [单选题]允许速度( )以上区段,工区必须配带“T”减速信号牌。
A.60km/h B.90km/h C.110km/h D.120km/h [单选题]电能表、采集终端装拆与调试时,宜断开各方面电源(含辅助电源)。若不停电进行,应做好绝缘包裹等有效隔离措施,防止误碰()、误分闸。
A.停运设备 B.运行设备 C.停电设备 D.配电设备 [填空题]轨道交通高压供电方式有:__________、__________和__________。
[单项选择]Anthropologists, psychologists and others have begun seeking the roots of ambition in family, culture, gender, genes and more. They have by no means thrown the curtain all the way back, but they have begun to part it.
If humans are an ambitious species, it’s clear we’re not the only one. Many animals are known to signal their ambitious tendencies almost from birth. Even before wolf pups are weaned, they begin sorting themselves out into alphas and all the others. The alphas are quicker, more curious, greedier for space, milk, Mom--and they stay that way for life. Alpha wolves wander widely, breed annually and may live to a geriatric 10 or 11 years old. Lower-ranking wolves enjoy none of these benefits--staying close to home, breeding rarely and usually dying before they’re four. Humans often report the same kind of temperamental determinism. Families are full of stories of the inexhaustible infant who grew up to be an entrepreneur, the phlegmatic child who never really showed A. who were born of ambitious parents B. who are very intelligent C. who were separate at birth D. who are both ambitious [判断题]OPGW光缆,不同厂家生产工艺及计算方法不同,对参数会有较大影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]热传播除了火焰直接接触外,还有三个途径,即传导、对流和( )。
A.照射 B.加热 C.烘烤 D.辐射 [单项选择]在屋面卷材热熔法施工时,待卷材底面热熔后应立即滚铺,并( )。
A. 采取搭接法铺贴卷材 B. 采用胶粘剂粘结卷材与基层 C. 喷涂基层处理 D. 进行排气、辊压、刮封接口等工作 [单选题]康宝兰咖啡出品时需要配备()
A..咖啡勺 B...吸管 C...奶盅()D牙签 [单项选择]我国畜牧业技术进步的重点是()
A. 资本节约型技术 B. 劳动节约型技术 C. 资源节约型技术 D. 中性型技术 [不定项选择题]苯巴比妥与碳酸氢钠合用,使前者在尿中排泄量增加是由于
A.酶诱导作用 B.酶抑制作用 C.竞争血浆蛋白的结合 D.改变胃肠道的吸收 E.干扰药物从肾小管重吸收 [单选题]吴先生50岁,直肠癌术后。患者拟行化疗,选择经周围静脉的中心静脉穿刺(Plcc)置管。输液前通常需用生理盐水冲管,取用生理盐水前应首先核对 ( )
A.瓶外标签是否正确 B.瓶身有无裂缝 C.瓶盖有无松动 D.溶液是否变质 E.是否在有期内 我来回答: 提交