Cancun means "snakepit" in the local
Mayan language, and it lived up to its name as the host of an important World
Trade Organization meeting that began last week. Rather than tackling the
problem of their high agricultural tariffs and lavish farm subsidies, which
victimize farmers in poorer nations, a number of rich nations derailed the
talks. The failure by 146 trade delegates to reach an agreement in Mexico is a serious blow to the global economy. And contrary to the mindless cheering with which the breakdown was greeted by antiglobalization protesters at Cancun, the world’s poorest and most vulnerable nations will suffer most. It is a bitter irony that the chief architects of this failure were nations like Japan, Korea and European Union members, themselves ads for the prosperity afforded by increa A. America supported the expansion of W.T.O.’ s jurisdiction on foreign investment. B. America supported such nations as Brazil, Mexico and African countries. C. America took a stand on government economic protection for domestic producers through restrictions on foreign competitors. D. America took a moral high ground in pressing for freer trade. [单项选择]下列各项中,能较好地反映肺通气功能好坏的指标是
A. 肺活量 B. 用力呼气量 C. 补吸气量 D. 肺扩散容量 [判断题]减压器是用来将气瓶中的高压气体降压后得到工作时所需的低压气体,并能保证工作时气体压力基本上稳定的装置。( )
[单选题]取水样所用的取样管道应定期冲洗,至少每( )冲洗一次。
A.天 B.周 C.十五天 D.月 [判断题] 缺少⻋⻔的检修回送⻋禁止编入列⻋。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]理论培训一般采用( )方法进行。
A. A.直观教学 B.启发式教学 C.形象教学 D.课堂讲授 [判断题]电容器停止运行后,应能自动放电。电容器组必须放电完了后再投入运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]接触网作业车车体排障器的作用是什么?
A.动机与目的辩证统一 B.动机与手段的辩证统一 C.动机与效果的辩证统一 D.目的与效果的辩证统一 E.手段与效果的辩证统一 [单选题]国有企业党组织应加强对制度执行的监督,加强对企业关键岗位、重要人员特别是主要负责人的(),强化对权力集中、资金密集、资源富集、资产聚集的重点部门和单位的监督,突出“三重一大”决策、工程招投标、改制重组、产权变更和交易等重点环节的监督,严肃查处侵吞挥霍国有资产、利益输送等违规违纪问题。()
A.检查 B.监督 C.审计 D.督察 [单选题]具有助阳益阴、固涩下焦功效的药物是
A.补骨脂 B.菟丝子 C.益智仁 D.肉苁蓉 E.草河车 [单选题]防滑靴不具备( )特性。
A.防滑 B.耐磨 C.耐酸碱 D.耐强酸 [单选题]非24小时餐厅的常规煮粥在什么时候进行时间条打印?( )
A. 进烤箱后 B. 出烤箱后 我来回答: 提交