In addition to the established energy sources such as gas, coal, oil and nuclear, there are a number of other sources that we ought to consider. Two of these are hydroelectric and tidal power.
These two sources are (1) in that they are both renewable. (2), hydropower is more widely used than tidal. In (3), a substantial amount of electricity is already produced in HEP (hydroelectric power)stations worldwide, (4) tidal stations are still in the very early (5) of development.
As far as geographical (6) is concerned, HEP projects are to be found on lakes and rivers, while tidal (7) are constructed only at river mouths where tidal (8) is great. Unfortunately these are (9) in number. At present HEP stations are found mainly in Norway, Canada, Sweden and Brazil, whereas tidal plants are in (10) in France, Russia and China.
As regards capital (11), both require very high investment. On the other hand, generating (12) are quite low in both cases. In fact, a l
A. Furthermore
B. However
C. Hence
D. Otherwise
Naturally the young are more inclined
to novelty than their elders and it is in their speech, as it always was, that
most of the vocabulary changes originate. But listening critically to their talk
I hear hardly my new words. It is all a matter of using old words in a new way
and then copying each other as they wish to speak differently from their
parents. They want even more to speak like people of their own age. A new usage
once took time to spread, but now a pop star can flash it across the world in
hours. Of course, it is not only the young who like to use the latest in-word. While they are describing their idols as smashing, great, or cosmic (宇宙的), their parents and the more discriminating of the younger set are also groping for words of praise that are at once apt and fashionable. However, their choice of splendid, A. Angry. B. Disbelieving. C. Objective and tolerant. D. Pessimistic. [单项选择]文学是对社会现实的反映。《十日谈》和《西游记》这两部文学名著体现的相同思想是()
A. 冲破束缚,追求个性解放 B. 挑战正统,提倡经世致用 C. 反对专制,否定教会权威 D. 批判现实,宣扬理性主义 [单项选择]The following are very common among ancient Egyptians EXCEPT______.
A. abscess B. intestinal parasites C. anaemia D. drug addiction [单选题]凡未办理验交的线路、桥隧等设备,由()负责巡查养护,保证行车安全。
A.设备管理单位 B.施工单位 C.设备管理单位和施工单位共同负责 D.施工完成后24h自行交由设备管理单位 [判断题]违反治安管理行为事实清楚,证据确凿,处警告的,可以当场作岀治安管理处罚决定
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]分公司新入职员工、实习人员三级安全教育总培训时间不得少于12学时。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
[判断题] ( )职业是指从业人员为获取主要生活来源,在社会中所从事的工作类别。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者,男,89岁。久病卧床,近日来冷汗自出,四肢厥逆,面色苍白,舌淡苔白,脉微欲绝。用药应首选的药物是( )
A.肉桂、桂枝 B.干姜、高良姜 C.附子、干姜 D.细辛、小茴香 E.吴茱萸、丁香 [判断题]更换焊条时,焊工可以戴普通手套即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]某工厂甲醛排气筒高度为10m。根据《大气污染物综合排放标准》,该工厂甲醛排放应执行的排放限值有( )。
A.无组织排放速率限值 B.无组织排放监控浓度限值 C.排气筒最高允许排放浓度限值 D.排气筒最高允许排放速率限值 [单项选择]具有润肺清心,养胃生津功效的药物是()
A. 天冬 B. 石斛 C. 生地 D. 麦冬 E. 黄精 [单项选择]面向对象程序设计有许多特性,下列选项中,______不是面向程序设计的特性。
A. 多态性 B. 静态性 C. 封装性 D. 继承 [判断题]宣誓时,送队旗仪式在宣誓大会开始前进行,迎队旗在宣誓大会结束后进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]"使用免疫抑制剂的病人应采取的隔离种类是
A.严密隔离 B.呼吸道隔离 C.接触隔离 D.床边隔离 E.保护性隔离 [单项选择]链牵引采煤机牵引链伸长量不大于设计长度的()
A. 3% B. 4% C. 5% D. 6% [多选题]甲、乙共同完成一项发明,就该项发明的专利申请权所作的下列判断中,哪些是正确的?()
A.如果甲不同意申请专利,乙可以自行申请 B.如果甲放弃其专利申请权,乙可以单独申请,但取得专利后,甲有免费使用的权利 C.如果甲准备转让其专利申请权,应签订书面合同 D.如果甲准备转让其专利申请权,乙在同等条件下有优先受让的权利 [单选题]下面,说法正确的是____。
A.TCSEC系统评价准则是一个评估计算机系统安全性能的一个标准 B.TCSEC系统评价准则是一个评估计算机系统性能高低的一个标准 C.TCSEC系统评价准则是一个评估计算机系统稳定性高低的一个标准 D.TCSEC系统评价准则是一个评估计算机系统性价比的一个标准 [单选题]对工人工作时间消耗的分类中属于必需消耗时间而被计入时间定额的是( )。
A.偶然工作时间 B.工人休息时间 C.施工本身造成的停工时间 D.非施工本身造成的停工时间 [单项选择]属于饱和脂肪酸的是()。
A. 油酸 B. 磷脂 C. α-亚麻酸 D. γ-亚麻酸 E. 棕榈酸 [多选题]( )属于工资集体协商的内容。
A.工资协议的期限 B.工资标准和分配形式 C.变更、解除工资协议的程序 D.员工福利水平及调整 E.年度平均工资水平及调整幅度 [单选题]( )是公共政策主体中最核心并发挥独特作用的部分
A.政府主体 B.非营利组织 C.非政府组织 D.社会公众 [判断题]当APU一个环路有故障(断路或无电源).会影响到警告系统
[单选题] 在速度小于200km/h的线路路上,曲线正矢作业验收容许偏差中曲线半径450m
B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [填空题]在岗职工晋升职业资格等级,必须按照培训规范要求,参加相应技能等级的培训,职业技能等级培训要突出岗位操作技能和“( )”知识。
A. 甲基化 B. 还原反应 C. 酯化反应 D. 脱氨反应 E. 核苷内转位 [单选题]多缸发动机,各缸的作功行程都是同时进行的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]刘某,男,30岁,由父亲陪同入诊室时,突然神情紧张地说:"爸,我嗅到毒气味",停顿一下后又说:"这房间里肯定有毒气",遂退出诊室,拒绝治疗,此症状是
A. 幻嗅 B. 错觉 C. 感觉障碍 D. 幻味 E. 幻听 我来回答: 提交