Reforming the Social Security
retirement program is an issue of enormous practical importance. Yet it remains
the missing piece in American policy analysis. At a time when the Congress and
the Administration are considering ways to reform welfare, Medicare, Medicaid,
and the income tax, elected officials are still unwilling to confront the
serious problems of our Social Security system. Eventually, however, its
deteriorating financial condition will force major reforms. Whether those
reforms are good or bad, whether they deal with the basic economic problems of
the system or merely protect the solvency of existing institutional arrangements
will depend in part on whether we, as economists, provide the appropriate
intellectual framework for analyzing reform alternatives. Major policy changes that affect the public at large can o A. applies to the benefits payable before age 65. B. does not apply to benefits after age 65. C. includes the present actuarial value paid before age 65. D. was formulated two and a half decade ago. E. may not be described by any of the above. [判断题][T]A-D-003 5 1 3
润滑油太少或者断油会造成气缸拉毛,使活塞式压缩机气缸发出异常声音。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]义务教育与普及教育是一个等同的概念
A. 2周 B. 6周 C. 6个月 D. 12个月 E. 18个月 [单选题]车钩缓冲装置具有( )作用。
A.连挂 B.牵引 C.缓冲 D.都有 [判断题]变电站电能表、终端装拆及更换宜使用变电第二种工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]RTK定位精度可达厘米级,稳定性可靠性较优;RTD定位精度最多亚米级,稳定性可靠性较差。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]抗甲状腺药物最常见的不良反应是()
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A. 皮亚杰 B. 罗森塔尔 C. 雅各布松 D. 班杜拉 [单项选择]()是现代人力资源管理的重要特征之一。
A. 物质性 B. 战略性 C. 可用性 D. 有限性 [填空题]清点TVM钱箱时,若实点数与小单数不一致时,需重新清点,直到(____)。
A.国务院; B.人民银行; C.中国银行业监督管理委员会; D.中国银行业协会。 [单选题]为颅内压增高病人进行脱水治疗时,20%甘露酵 250ml应在多长时间内滴完( )
A.15分钟 B.30分钟 C.45分钟 D.60分钟 E.90分钟 [判断题]因为新民主主义革命是资产阶级性质的革命,所以新民主主义社会也是资本主义性质的社会。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]直肠癌最重要、最简便易行的诊断方法是()
A. 大便潜血检查 B. 直肠指诊 C. 直肠镜 D. B超 E. X线气钡双重造影检查 我来回答: 提交