{{B}}Text{{/B}} Senility refers to great losses of intellectual capacity that occurs in old age and is{{U}} (26) {{/U}}with the wide- spread loss of nerve cells and the{{U}} (27) {{/U}}of brain tissue. Senility is a great decline from a previous intellectual{{U}} (28) {{/U}}in an aging person. Memory is the mental capacity most 6ften affected. The memory loss may first show itself clearly in simple absentmindedness or a (n){{U}} (29) {{/U}}to forget or{{U}} (30) {{/U}}things and repeal oneself in conversation.{{U}} (31) {{/U}}the senility progresses, the loss of memory{{U}} (32) {{/U}}in scope until the patient can no longer remember basic social and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}skills or{{U}} (34) {{/U}}independently. There may also be declines in the person’s language skills, spatial or t A. intention B. tendency C. willingness D. behavior [判断题]金融机构通过第三方识别客户身份的,第三方未采取符合《反洗钱法》要求的客户身份识别措施的,由该第三方机构承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]次要责任: 负有事故损失及不良影响 ( )的责任
A.10%-20% B.20%-40% C.40%-60% D.20%-60% [单项选择]
Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: As overseas sales and profits as a percentage of total sales and profits increase, there is likely to be more headquarters’ attention paid to foreign operations. Similarly, there will be pressures to centralize control in order to deal with the growing number of global competitors and the more homogenized(同质的) needs of global consumers. The need for centralization will present more challenges for MNEs in controlling their global operations. One challenge involves management’s position in foreign facilities, where manager may see the erosion of their autonomy over marketing, production, and financial decisions. To keep those managers motivated, the company needs to include more nationalities on boards of directors and use cross-national management teams to develop practices that are globally rather than nationally oriented. But with such cross-national fertilization comes the risk of clashes between cu [单选题]在含H2S的装置区域采样时,佩戴适合的防毒面具,站在( )采样,并在装置操作工的监护下进行。
A. 上风口 B. 取样点 C. 下风口 D. 随意处 [多选题]以下属于综合收银台产品特色的是()。
A.涵盖 1PP 支付、 P3 网页支付、 手机网页支付、 公众号支付等场景 B.满足网络平台“ 一点接入” 多种支付渠道需求, 聚合农行支付、 微信支付、 支付宝支付、 银联在线 223 支付、 222 跨行支付等多种主流支付方式 C.对于客户通过多渠道支付的资金, 实现集中入账, 免去各通道单独结算的繁琐,商户对账简洁明了 D.平台交易资金封闭运行, 网络平台不能随意控制和支配。 客户确认收货后, 交易资金从网络平台资金存管账户直接结算至二级商户同名银行结算账户。 [单选题]部属车辆中,棚车的基本车种是( )。
A.P B.C0-C0 C.D D.S [单项选择]
Most musicians agree that the best violins were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago. These violins sound better than any others. They even sound (21) violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make (22) like the old Italian violins. (23) they aren’t the same, Musicians prefer the old ones. No one really knows (24) these old Italian violins are so special, (25) many people think they have an answer. [多项选择]当事人提出证据证明( ),可以向仲裁委员会所在地的中级人民法院申请撤销裁决。
A. 裁决有仲裁协议的 B. 裁决的事项不属于仲裁协议的范围的 C. 仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违反法定程序的 D. 裁决所依据的证据是伪造的 E. 对方当事人隐瞒了足以影响公正裁决的证据的 [填空题]
Mary: You enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don’t you It is interesting to see what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children’s stories [单项选择]古往今来所有的文化中,星星从来不被认为是物,它们或者是神,或者是最高尚的象征,或者是别的什么符号。因此,把星星看做天体是对人类思想体系的前所未有的冲击。虽然希腊已经有人想到这样的观念,但即使是亚里士多德也没有把星星看做物质体,而仍然把它作为精神的存在物。一旦认识到星星是自然天体后,一个自然而然的想法就是空间是均匀的,并没有层次,在任何方向上均无差别。 依古往今来的文化,以下说法错误的是( )。
A. 在人类的思想体系空间是有层次的 B. 星星位于很高的空间层次 C. 希腊人不希望自己的思想受到冲击 D. 星星是自然天体,是客观存在的 [判断题]内扩散影响强烈的情况发生在催化剂颗粒相当小.并且外扩散传质系敦和反应速率常数都相对较犬的时候。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]记录工程部位的音像档案,宜先与该单位工程的纸质档案统一编号,再与其他音像档案集中存放保管。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]混凝土振捣密实从哪些现象可以判断?
[单选题]外展内收型肱骨外科颈骨折的复位方法是( )。
A.手法复位小夹板固定 B.三角巾悬吊 C.单纯手法复位 D.保守治疗 E.切开复位 [判断题]高层民用建筑、地下工程是消防设计审核的重点建筑工程项目。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上市公司申请发行新股,最近2年及1期财务报表应未被注册会计师出具保留意见、否定意见或无法表示意见的审计报告。( )
A. 改变数据区中行高、列宽不能都从菜单栏中的格式菜单进入 B. 改变行高或列宽之前,要先选择要调节的行或列 C. 如果行高或列宽设置有误,按撤销按钮消除 D. 以上说法不全正确 [单项选择]首字下沉在()选项卡()组中。
A. 开始;字体 B. 插入;文本 C. 开始;文本 D. 插入;插图 [单选题]托架应与围护结构可靠连接、固定,安装间距应满足设计要求,同一根钢围檩托架数量不得少于3处,且围檩端头距托架不应大于()
A.20cm B.30cm C.40cm D.50cm [单选题]( )是车辆破损的责任依据,也是车辆破损责任单位的付款依据。
A.车统—19. B.车统—23. C.车统—25. D.车统—113. [判断题]撤离时旅客可以戴好自己的近视眼镜
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于葡萄胎随访概念中,下述哪项是正确的()。
A. 葡萄胎有50%的恶变率 B. 葡萄胎排出后,基础体温双相,恶变机会很大 C. 葡萄胎排出8周内,妊娠试验持续(+),恶变可能大 D. 葡萄胎排出后持续(+),恶变可能性小 E. 葡萄胎排出后,应随访2年 [单选题]在现代企业中,企业所有者机构不享有的权力是( )。
A.投资决定权 B.人事权 C.监督权 D.修改章程权 [判断题]伪造货币罪中的“货币”包括虽不能在我国兑换但能在其他国家及地区流通的法定货币。
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