"With two friends I started a journey
to Greece, the most horrendous of all journeys. It had all the details of a
nightmare: barefoot walking in rough roads, risking death in the dark, police
dogs hunting us, drinking water from the rain pools in the road and a rude
awakening at gunpoint from the police under a bridge. My parents were terrified
and decided that it would be better to pay someone to hide me in the back of a
car." This 16-year-old Albanian high-school drop-out, desperate to leave his impoverished country for the nirvana of clearing tables in an Athens restaurant, might equally well have been a Mexican heading for Texas or an Algerian youngster sneaking into France. He had the misfortune to be born on the wrong side of a line that now divides the world: the line between those whose passports allow them to move and s A. the developing countries and developed countries B. the east and the west C. the legal migration and illegal migration D. legal passports and forged papers [多选题]网络安全综合防御体系包括( )
A.政府机关 B.事业单位 C.企业的网络运营者 D.个人及家庭自建自用的网络 [判断题]摇枕弹簧在无负荷时,内卷弹簧应高出外卷弹簧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病原菌引起疾病的最佳组合是()
A. 毒力+侵入门户+细菌数量 B. 毒力+侵袭力+侵入门户 C. 侵袭力+细菌数量 D. 细菌数量+侵袭酶类 E. 侵入门户+毒素+细菌表面结构 [判断题]拦焦车司机操作的好坏与焦炭水分无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]藏族佛教现有四大教派,下列表述正确的是( )。
A. 宁玛派,因该派僧人穿戴红色袈裟、僧帽,俗称红教 B. 萨迦派,因该派僧人穿白色僧裙和上衣,俗称白教 C. 噶举派,因该派寺院围墙涂有红、白、黑三色花纹,俗称花教 D. 格鲁派,因该派僧人戴有黄色桃形僧帽,俗称黄教 [填空题]It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our (36) . In fact, since 1930s, music therapists have (37) on music to soothe (38) and help control pain. Now psychologists are (39) that music can also help (40) depression and improve concentration. For instance, in a recent study, 15 surgeons were given some highly (41) math problems to solve. They were (42) into three groups: one worked in silence, and in another, the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to (43) music chosen by the researchers. The results of the study may surprise you. (44) . One possible explanation is that listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in the brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration. Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain: (45)
A.选择性5- HT在摄取抑制药和氯米帕明 B.丙米嗪、吗氯贝胺 C.阿莫沙平 D.三环类抗抑郁药 E.伴有精神病性症状抑郁症患者可优先选用 [单选题]机车在库内停留时,必须停在警冲标( ),实施单阀全制动,机车闸缸压力达到定压,不得停止空气压缩机工作,机车乘务员不得同时离开司机室
A.内方 B.外方 C.前方 D.后方 [多选题]航空器安全靠泊状态是指:( )
A.A.所有发动机关闭 B.B.防撞灯关闭 C.C.轮挡按规范放置 D.D.飞机刹车松开 我来回答: 提交