Generation gaps are nothing new.
Imperfect communication between age groups plagued the ancient Greeks and
current works alike. Many an older worker chafes at an under-30 colleague who surfs the Internet, listens to his Sony Walkman and chats on the phone or with his desk mate, all while working on a project due in an hour. Sometimes, of course, he isn’t corking, and that’s a whole different issue. But sometimes he is getting lots of great stuff done. In the meantime, the different work styles create a case of "Would you please shut up" vs. "Lighten up. Get a life" Marc Prensky, vice president of Bankers Trust and founder of its interactive learning subsidiary, Corporate Gameware, was on point in Across the board, a publication of the conference board. The business research organization titled Prensky’s article "Twitch A. Older workers often feel annoyed about their young colleagues’ attitudes towards work. B. Younger workers always do a good job of their work though they prefer to listen to music or chat with others while working. C. The different work styles may sometimes lead to an unnecessary argument. D. Older workers are used to working in a comfortable and quiet environment so that they can fully concentrate on what they are doing. [单项选择]深龋患牙的临床表现是()
A. 食酸甜食物不痛 B. 食物嵌入洞内痛 C. 偶在夜间隐痛 D. 温度测验一过性敏感 E. 牙髓电活力测验迟钝 [单选题] 低压线路与高压线路同杆架设时,横担间的垂直距离直线杆不应小于( )m。
A. 1 B. 1.2 C. 1.4 D. 1.6 [单选题] 商品的实体层包括商品的外在形式、内在质量和( )。
A.颜色 B.重量 C.能效 D.促销成分 [单选题]飞机在快要起飞时,驾驶员发现云很低,云层很厚,呈水平幕状,云底灰暗并有小雨,则这种云应是
A.层云或雨层云 B.高层云或层积云 C.层积云或碎层云 D.层积云或积雨云 [判断题]各车站门禁点和车辆段设置门禁就地级设备,各就地级控制器通过RS232连接至门禁主控制器。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在10千伏及以下邻近带电线路工作时,人体、导线、施工机具等与带电线路的距离应不小于( )米
A.0.7 B.1 C.1.2 D.2 [单项选择]依据中国刑法规定,依法实施正当防卫,行为人对不法侵害人造成损害的,()。
A. 不负刑事责任 B. 减轻刑事责任 C. 免除刑事责任 D. 视损害后果决定是否承担刑事责任 [单项选择]按燃料性质,火灾又可分为A类、B类、C类和D类火灾,其中D类火灾为( )。
A. 固体物质火灾 B. 金属 C. 液体或可熔化的固体火灾 D. 气体火灾 我来回答: 提交