With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most controversial issue across the United States today is the death penalty. Many argue that it is an effective deterrent (威慑) to murder, while others maintain there is no convincing evidence that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.
The principal argument advanced by those opposed to the death penalty. basically, is that Lt is cruel and inhuman punishment, that it is the mark of a brutal society, and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent to crime anyway.
In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary evil. Throughout recorded history there have always been those extreme individuals in every society who were capable of terribly violent crimes such-as murder. But some are more extreme than others.
For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in a fit of blind rage, but quite another to coldly plot and carry out the murder of one or more people in th
A. criticize the government B. argue for the value of the death penalty
B. speak for the majority
C. initiate a veto
杜某系私营企业裕华公司的职工。2004年3月,杜某在看完电影回家的路上协助扑灭某商场的火灾并帮助救人时自己也被烧伤。杜某与裕华公司就自己应否享受工伤待遇问题发生纠纷。请综合分析本案,回答下列问题。 |
In January 2002, during the first weeks of a
six-month stay at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia (白血病)
treatment, Michael wandered over to his hospital window in search of relaxation.
The{{U}} (36) {{/U}}first-grader watched a construction crew{{U}}
(37) {{/U}}on a 10-story addition to the hospital.{{U}} (38)
{{/U}}Michael’s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from the East
Falls section of Philadelphia,{{U}} (39) {{/U}},and saw "this kid with
no hair{{U}} (40) {{/U}}face was pressed up to the window. I waved, and
he smiled and{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. I’ll never forget that," says Ritchie, a
father of three. As winter{{U}} (42) {{/U}}spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3000 tons of steel{{U}} (43) {{/U}} formed the skeleton of the building, one d A. gradually B. immediately C. successfully D. usually [单项选择]雇主责任险中误工费最对赔付多少天()
A. 90 B. 180 C. 365 D. 无上限 [单项选择]左心衰竭肺淤血的护理问题(护理诊断)是()。
A. 气体交换功能受损 B. 活动无耐力 C. 组织灌注不良 D. 营养失调 E. 皮肤完整性受损 [判断题]刑法中禁止令的期限,既可以与管制执行的期限相同,也可以短于管制执行的期限,但判处管制的,禁止令的期限不得少于 3 个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题].下列会计属于政府与非营利组织会计的包括:( )。
A.江苏省淮安市财政会计 B.江苏省淮安市公安局会计 C.江苏省淮安市某大学会计 D.江苏省淮安市商业银行会计 E . 江苏省淮安市某医院 [单项选择]颈内动脉系统TIA的临床表现有()
A. 眩晕 B. 共济失调 C. 复视 D. Homner征交叉瘫 E. 阵挛性痉挛发作 [判断题]行政许可申请可以通过信函、电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件等方式提出()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]多选题:根据《车站票务管理规定》,下列车站短款处理规定正确的有( )。
A.短款站务员(票务)必须按《补款通知》规定的时间足额补交短款,由车站将所收取的短款一次解行 B.站务员(票务)提出离职后,车站不再安排其从事售票或涉及现金操作的岗位工作 C.站务员(票务)对《补款通知》的短款有异议的,可先不用补交 D.若需站务员(票务)多补交短款的,由收益部下发《补款通知》,车站站务员(票务)按照正常的补款程序补交相应的短款 [多选题]出租汽车应当按规定安装( )。
A.空车待租标志 B.暂停运营标志 C.顶灯 D.经检定合格的计价器 [单选题]756. 定压式扩音机的功率放大部分装有深度( )电路,使负载的变化不会引起输出电压有多大的变化。
A.A.正反馈 B.B.负反馈 C.C.放大 D.D.反馈 [判断题]对于基层行就规章制度建设提出的问题,总行相关职能部室要认真研究,及时解决,不得延误。(0.29分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]阳离子交换器再生不合格的原因会是( )。
A.再生剂质量差; B.再生液加温不够; C.再生液分配装置损坏; D.逆流再生中树脂乱层。 [单项选择]关于天黑后便利店突然停电的保安措施方面,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 收银员迅速将收银机抽屉锁好 B. 店长要派人员到收银台附近及卖场,防止偷抢现象的发生 C. 立即驱赶顾客离开 D. 如无备用发电设备,则应用诚恳的语言委婉劝告顾客离开 [单项选择]税控盘版开票系统,开票软件主界面上显示的时间是()的时间;发票开具时,票面上的开票日期是()的时间。
A. 本地计算机;本地计算机 B. 税控盘;税控盘 C. 税控盘;本地计算机 D. 本地计算机;税控盘 [单选题]农村饮水安全项目,以( )为单位编制项目实施方案,经省级水利部门审查后,由省级发展改革(计划)部门批复,报国家发展改革委和水利部备案。
A.乡镇 B.县 C.地市 D.省 [单选题]4.23. 第23题被转供户折算最大需量时,三班制每月用电量( )千瓦时,折合为1千瓦。
A.180 B.360 C.540 D.270 [单选题]用于10kV电压等级时,绝缘隔板的厚度不得小于( )mm。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.8 [单项选择]为了防止疲劳,STCW公约规定值班人员每天()小时的最短休息时间可被减至连续的6小时,条件是这种减少不得超过()天,并且7天内的休息时间不少于70小时。
A. 8/2 B. 10/2 C. 8/3 D. 10/3 [判断题]在生产过程中,用来测量各种工件尺寸、角度和形状的工具叫量具。
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