With euro bills and coins now
circulating across much of Europe, the European Monetary Union is fully in
place. The post-World War Ⅱ European leaders’ dream of an economically and
politically unified continent is one large step closer to realization, and
membership in the monetary union could easily grow to 20 or more countries from
the current 12 as the large European Union expands to the east. A fully
operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of
success. There is one enormous problem: This union creates a single monetary
policy for group of quite different national economies that often experience
divergent business-cycle patterns. As long a A. Original European Monetary Union members have become more similar in their cyclical behavior. B. New member nations will challenge the originals’ authority. C. Germany, France and Italy resent the joining of new nations into the European Monetary Union. D. There are lots of difficulties to reach consensus in monetary policy. [单选题]从业人员既是安全生产的保护对象,又是实现安全生产的( )
A..关键 B..保证 C..基本要素 [单选题] 修改凭证支付条件业务只能在( )办理
A.原开户行 B.全国任一网点 C.分行范围内 [填空题]提出‘为学有如金字塔,要能广博要能高’的中国近代学者是()
[多项选择]下列哪些症状提示已发生子宫破裂( )
A. 子宫圆韧带可明显触及并压痛 B. 出现病理性缩复环 C. 突然腹部撕裂样剧痛 D. 病人发生休克 E. 下降中的胎头突然消失 [判断题]实战演练中,深入要害部位侦察时不得少于2人,侦察人员进入模拟有毒、高温、浓烟环境中,必须佩戴空(氧)气呼吸器、导向绳。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高频开关电源模块功率因数不应小于( )。
A.0.8 B.0.85 C.0.9 D.0.95。 [简答题]从业人员在任职、提职、改职前,必须经过段或段以上单位进行安全技术教育培训,考试合格后,持铁路岗位培训 证书上岗。
[单选题]遇有降雾、暴风雨(雪)、扬沙等恶劣天气影响瞭望时,应停止线上作业和上道检查,必须作业时,应采取特殊( ),保证来车之前按规定的距离及时下道。
A.作业方法 B.防护办法 C.防护措施 D.安全措施 [单项选择]有关依托咪酯静脉麻醉,错误的是()
A. 麻醉可控性好 B. 其效能约为硫喷妥钠的12倍 C. 成人剂量0.3mg/kg(0.1~0.4mg/kg) D. 呼吸抑制比硫喷妥钠轻 E. 持续静脉滴注可单独用于麻醉维持 [判断题]卫生检疫机关对已在到达本口岸前的其他口岸实施卫生处理的交通工具一律不再重复实施卫生处理。
[单项选择]We all make promises in our daily interactions with others. On the (67) hand, promises such as "I’ll return your book next week" or "I won’t tell anyone" are not heavily (68) , except maybe in a (69) sense.
On the other hand, some of the promises we make bind us (70) and financially. By saying "I do", newlyweds promise to love and (71) each other no matter what happens for the rest of their lives; (72) anybody makes this promise (73) to break it. But imagine making a promise when in fact, you know you would (74) from not keeping it. Would you keep it anyway Could we somehow tell in (75) whether you’re going to keep it or break itA. Despite B. While C. Since D. Unless [判断题]队旗分为部级、局级、总队级、支队级和大队级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家对水工程建设移民实行开发性移民的方针,按照( )原则,妥善安排移民的生产和生活,保护移民的合法权益。
A.前期补偿、补助与后期扶持相结合 B.可持续发展 C.水资源统一管理 D.社会收益最大化 [判断题]‖年1月29日起实施的维保公司《车场值班员[设备]列车上线运营联控作业指导书》中规定,正线运营故障回库列车在完成故障处置后需再次上线运营的列车,应敦促故障处置单位提供《地铁列车完工交/收
车单》,由车场值班员[设备]在列车上线前将该表单 交付运转值班员。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]通信调度值班员日常工作、检修、故障处理过程的重要凭证是什么?凭证可以随意删改么?
[单项选择]下列( )属于中国工程咨询协会会员。
A. 企业会员 B. 单位会员 C. 个人会员 D. 群组会员 [多选题]SF6气体湿度测试方法有(____)
A.A.露点法 B.B.阻容法 C.C.电解法 D.D.压力降法 [判断题]客户在到网点后尽量独自完成业务,只要不出错就可以。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]β-内酰胺抗生素中,最易引起AIN的是
A.苯唑西林 B.邻氯苯唑西林 C.甲氧西林 D.氨苄西林 E.以上均不是 [简答题]停工留薪期内,工伤职工原工资福利待遇由谁支付?是用人单位还是工伤保险基金支付?
[单选题]防火墙的核心控制思想是( )。技术。
A. 包过滤技术 B. 保护技术 C. 控制过滤技术 D. 数据加密技术 [填空题]
{{B}}PART ONE{{/B}} ·You will hear three telephone conversations. ·Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms. ·After you have listened once, replay the recording. {{B}}Conversation One{{/B}} ·Look at the form below. ·You will hear a woman telephoning about some problems with an order. {$mediaurl} 我来回答: 提交