With a record number of 51000 visitors
turning up at the National Art Museum of China for the Dunhuang {{U}} (67)
{{/U}} , museum curator Fan Di’an has not stopped smiling. The 53-year-old art historian is among the few in the Beijing artistic {{U}} (68) {{/U}} to {{U}} (69) {{/U}} designer haircuts and don fitted suits. The art {{U}} (70) {{/U}} is also a new face among the nation’s political advisors, and is to propose a solution to a {{U}} (71) {{/U}} problem Chinese museums face. "Currently, any artworks that are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} from overseas are taxed at high rate when entering the country. So museums find it difficult to accept donations from overseas," he said. Fan is currently {{U}} (73) {{/U}} in finding a {{U}} (74) {{/U}} for a new museum. "Maybe in the Olympic Village, we will have a really big {{U}} A. serious B. small C. acute D. chronic [单选题]尿液离心或加热加酸后仍不变清,最可能是
A.尿酸盐结晶 B.乳糜尿 C.草酸钙结晶 D.磷酸盐结晶 E.碳酸盐结晶 [多选题]CR400AF动车组客室空调系统检查及清洁作业时,检查()是否松动,若有需要紧固。
A.电机轴承 B.叶片 C.叶轮 D.蜗壳 [单选题]誓师大会仪式通常有( )项程序。
A.A、7项 B.B、9项 C.C、10项 [填空题]过滤机理主要包括机械性筛除、()、()三种形式。
[单选题]进行( )菜肴服务时,应使用“快步”步伐。
A.拔丝苹果 B.上汤菠菜 C.红烧肉 D.鱼香肉丝 [单项选择]
阅读下列一个支持多线程并发操作的堆栈类代码段 A. synchronized B. wait C. blocked D. interrupt [判断题]一个或一组工人在不同工作地对同一劳动对象进行加工的生产活动称为工序。
A. 腐熟水谷 B. 泌别清浊 C. 传导糟粕 D. 运行元气 E. 贮藏胆汁 [多项选择]以下活动属于问题解决的有()。
A. 骑手骑马 B. 研究锻炼的益处 C. 回忆办公室门号 D. 散步 E. 下象棋 [简答题]影响混凝土拌合物和易性的主要因素有哪些?比较这些因素应优先选择哪种措施提高和易性?
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交