Fatigue is one of the most common complaints brought to doctors, friends, and relatives. You’d think in this era of labor-saving and convenient transportation that few people would have reason to be so tired. The causes of modern-day fatigue are diverse and only rarely related to excessive physical exertion. Today, physicians report, tiredness is more likely a consequence of underexercise than of wearing yourself down with overactivity.
Physical fatigue is the well-known result of overworking your muscles. (46) Physical fatigue is usually a pleasant tiredness, such as that which you might experience after playing a hard set of tennis, chopping wood, or climbing a mountain. The cure is simple and fast: You rest, giving your body a chance to get rid of accumulated waste and restore muscle fuel.
(47) Illness induced fatigue is a warning sign or consequence of some underlying physical disorder, perhaps the common cold or flu or something more serious l
Methods | Notes |
| * The volume (容量) of the provided measuring cup is about 0.18kg. * Wash the rice in a separate bowl, then put it into the inner(里面的)pot. |
* Adjust the water volume according to your own choice. * Adjust the water level on a level place * Smooth the rice surface. * Wipe the outside of the inner pot dry [多选题]NSA测试时速率较低可能的原因有
A.NSA相关邻区、参数未正确配置 B.SIM卡限速 C.测试站点传输带宽受限 D.已离开NSA区域,仅工作在LTE小区下 [填空题]S1
A. 有感于生命短促,忧从中来 B. 感于年华虚度,饮酒为乐 C. 哀叹朋友离散,孤苦无依 D. 渴望得到贤才辅助,早日建功立业 [判断题]存款人存入一天通知存款的,支取通知时,应提前1天通知营业机构,存期至少为2天,存入当天不能进行通知。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]工作负责人应由有本专业工作经验、熟悉工作范围内的设备情况、熟悉本规程,并经()批准的人员担任。
A.工区(车间) B.单位 C.上级单位 D.公司 [多选题] 咽喉部分是停车场的停车库与正线连接地段,由( )组成。
A.出入段线 B.车站 C.存车线 D.折返线 E.道岔 [单选题]纳米陶瓷清漆的特殊之处是( P6 )。
A.高硬度 B.超快干 C.施工简单 [单选题]儿童对某一概念的属性进行抽象,并将类似的属性加以认同,这是概念形成的()。
A.抽象化阶段 B.符号化阶段 C.类化阶段 D.辨别阶段 [判断题]( )我国的复用结构中允许有三个PDH支路信号输入口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪项不属于气管内插管用具()。
A. 呼吸囊 B. 喉镜 C. 喷雾器 D. 气管导管 E. 导管芯 [单项选择]个性中具有核心意义的、表现一个人对现实稳定的态度和相应的行为方式的心理特征叫()
A. 能力 B. 气质 C. 性格 D. 习惯 [单项选择]关于休克下列哪项正确()
A. 神经性休克由大神经损伤引起 B. 心包填塞不会引起心源性休克 C. 感染性休克由细菌毒素引起 D. 失液性休克主要因大量利尿引起 E. 急性失血达血容量15%左右将产生失血性休克 [多项选择]()研究形成的气象预报意见和结论可以提供给气象主管机构所属的气象台制作气象预报时参考。
A. 科研教学单位 B. 学术团体 C. 个人 [多项选择]某加工厂,机器设备的价值为40万元,每年损耗2万元,原材料每年消耗20万元,工人 75人,年工资人均400元,全年产品价值总额为30万元。由此可以判断该加工厂
A. 年剩余价值量为5万元 B. 年剩余价值率为151.3% C. 一年耗费的不变资本价值为60万元 D. 一年支付的可变资本价值为3万元 我来回答: 提交