M: I’d like to check in, please.
W: May I have your ticket, please Thank you. Here’s your boarding pass, sir. Please go to the Departure Lounge. Your flight will be called in 15 minutes.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
Smog is something combined by smoke and
fog. London is always known for its "black fogs". In the winter of 1952, a milky
white fog rolled into the city. It soon turned into black smog as the smoke of
the city poured into the air. When it was over, more than 4,000 people had been
killed by the thick black smog. New York City has had several London type smog since 1950. Each time there were from 100 to 400 deaths caused by the smog. In all the killer smog, factories and homes poured smoke and fumes into the air from the furnaces. The chemical fumes combined with the water-droplets in the fog to form harmful substances. These substances caused the illness of those who breathed the polluted air. Usually, such harmful fumes rise into the upper air and are blown away by the wind. But sometimes, there is an unusual we A. China will face the big challenge of pollution B. no pollution problem occurs in China C. there will be more traffic accidents in China D. the weather will become bad in China [单选题]我校____年设立研究生院。( )
A.2011年 B.2012年 C.2010年 D.2013年 [判断题]( ) 列车中车辆的连挂,由调车作业人员负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]预应力混凝土连续梁桥是( )结构。
A.静定 B.超静定 C.简支 D.悬臂 [单项选择]以下指标不是ARDS表现的是()
A. PaCO2>45mmHg B. PaO2<60mmHg C. pH升高 D. PaO2/FiO≤200 E. PaCO2<40mmHg [简答题]作风建设为什么要聚焦到反“四风”上?
A.与频率的二次方成正比 B.与频率的二次方成反比 C.与频率的四次方成正比 D.与频率的四次方成反比 [判断题]禁止作业人员擅自变更工作票中指定的接地线位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]民用YSP-50型液化石油气钢瓶检测周期为 ( )。
A.3年 B.4年 C.5年 [单项选择]Some medical conditions can often cure themselves ______, without medical intervention.
A. deliberately B. spontaneously C. consciously D. intentionally [不定项选择]茂发、大阳、日盛公司三家发起人决定以向社会公开募集的方式设立以塑料制品生产为主要经营范围的大兴股份有限公司,注册资本1亿元。请回答以下问题:对于该次募集股份行为的下列说法正确的是:()
A. 该次发行股份应当聘请保荐人 B. 若发起人认购40%的股份,则此次股票的发行应当采用承销团来承销 C. 如果股份未能如期募足,公司经过证监会批准后可以延期募集 D. 如果股份募集成功,公司共有100位股东,那么有50位以上的股东出席,该次创立大会就可以成功召开 [不定项选择]
甲公司出资70%,乙公司出资30%共同设立有限责任公司丙(注册资本2000万元),双方的《投资协议》约定:丙公司董事会成虽为三人,第一任董事长由乙公司推荐,财务总监由甲公司推荐;股东拒绝参加股东会会议的,不影响股东会决议的效力。 A. 收购乙公司资产的未付价款暂停支付 B. 同意甲公司代表秦某辞去丙公司监事职务,改任丙公司董事 C. 任命秦某担任丙公司总经理 D. 解除帅某的公司总经理职务 [判断题]办理站车交接,重联动车组列车在列车运行方向前组第8、9位车厢之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](3)
A.机车调度员 B.司机 C.列车调度员 [单项选择]女,37岁,第2胎22周妊娠,做家务劳动后感胸闷气短,近1周夜间经常咳嗽、咳痰不能平卧。查体:心率120/分钟,心界向左扩大,心尖区可闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,双肺底闻及小水泡音,双下肢水肿(+)。产后的处理下列哪项不正确()
A. 限制输液速度 B. 可以使用依沙吖啶引产 C. 严格避孕,不宜再次妊娠 D. 宫缩欠佳,可以用催产素 E. 无感染征象不必使用抗生素 [单项选择]建筑施工企业的管理人员违章指挥、强令职工冒险作业,因而发生重大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的,依法追究( )责任。
A. 刑事 B. 连带赔偿 C. 违约 D. 赔偿 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Female Bullfighting
It was a unique,eye-catching sight:an attractive woman in a shiny bullfighter's suit, sword in hand,facing the sharp horns of a black,500-kilogram beast. Most people thought the days of female bullfighting were over in Spain._________(1) The first woman fighter,Cristina Sanchez,quit in 1999 because of male discrimination (歧视).But Vega is determined to break into what could be Spain's most resistant male field._________(2) Spanish women have conquered almost all male professions.__________(3)"The bull does not ask for your identity card,"she said in an interview a few years ago.She insisted that she be judged for her skills rather than her femaleness. Vega became a matador(斗牛士)in 1 997 in the southwestern city of Caceres. ________(4)She entered a bullfighting school in Malaga at age nine and performed her first major bullfight at age 14.She has faced as much opposition as Sanchez did.And the "difficulties have made her grow into a very strong bullfighter,"her brother Jorge says. The 1.68-metre tall and somewhat shy Vega says her love of bullfighting does not make her any less of a woman.__________(5) _________(3) A.She intends to become even better than Sanchez was. B.Her father was an aspiring(有雄心壮志的)bullfighter. C.But many bullfighting professionals continue to insist that women do not have what it takes to perform the country's "national show". D."I'm a woman from head to toe and proud of it,"she once said, E.She looks like a male bullfighter. F.But recently,29-year-old Mari Paz Vega became the second woman in Spanish history to fight against those heavy animals. [单项选择]面神经最易遭病变侵袭或手术损伤的部位是()。
A. 内耳道段 B. 迷路段 C. 乳突段 D. 鼓室段 E. 颞骨外段 [单选题]结核病最主要的传染源为
A.结核性脑膜炎病人 B.骨关节结核病人 C.开放性肺结核病人 D.淋巴结核病人 E.泌尿生殖系结核病人 [单项选择]弥漫性毛细血管内增生性肾炎时,会出现()。
A. 少尿、水肿、高血压 B. 多尿、夜尿、低比重尿 C. 脓尿 D. 无痛性血尿 E. 肾病综合征 [单项选择]判别原型化反复适合于系统的选择条件有多方面,其中有关事件处理或批处理类型的判别条件应属于下列哪个条件
A. 逻辑结构 B. 用户特征 C. 系统结构 D. 应用约束 我来回答: 提交