Two related paradoxes also emerge from
the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given
extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous
attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because
it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially
concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of
discursive thought. At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form--to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succ A. the paradox that it is both necessary to distinguish form content and also impossible to do so cannot be resolved by rejecting its premises B. both content and form of the work of art are illusory C. the content and form of the work of art are separable D. aesthetic experience is not intrinsically valuable [单选题]JK触发器,当J=1,K=0,该触发器的状态为( )。
A.置“0” B.置“1” C.不变 D.计数 [单选题] 焊缝余高太高,易在焊趾处产生应力集中,所以余高不能太高, 但也不能低于母材金属。( ) 【判断题】
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]应使用()取气体继电器的气样。
A.干燥玻璃瓶 B.医用注射器 C.油桶 D.玻璃注射器 [判断题]挖坑前,应与有关地下管道、电缆等地下设施的主管单位取得联系,明确地下设施的确切位置,做好防护措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在银行办信用卡 Telephone:98473321
[单项选择]投资者投入的固定资产,按照( )确定价值。
A. 资产评估确认或合同协议确定的价值入账 B. 购买价加上支付的运输费、保险费、包装费、安装成本和缴纳的税金 C. 建造过程中发生的全部实际支出 D. 运输费、保险费、安装调试费 [判断题]凡是以盈利为目的的经济组织都是公司。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男性,45岁,大面积(85%)烧伤后第3天,行躯干及四肢切痂异种皮覆盖术,既往无特殊病史。患者术中发生代谢性酸中毒的常见原因除外()
A. 能量消耗过多 B. 组织低灌注 C. 长时间低血压 D. 大量输注乳酸林格液 E. 机体缓冲碱耗竭 [单选题]每小时一次的外文缩写是()。
A.DC B.pc C.qh [单选题]新生儿食管长度约为( )
A.8-10cm B.15-20cm C.20-25cm D.22-24cm E.25-30cm [判断题]191、性污泥培养初期,瀑气池中出现白色泡沫是正常现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Women’s fashions tend to change more rapidly than men’s. In the early 1900s all women wore their skirts down to the ankle. Today, skirt length varies from floor- length to ten inches above the knee. Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of changes in the last ninety years. For instance, boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then, for a few years, they were not considered fashionable. Today they are back in style again in all colors, lengths, and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all types of clothes, even T-shirts and shorts on almost any occasion. While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained pretty much the same until a couple of years ago. And, in fact, most men still wear the traditional suit, jacket, shirt, tie, though bright colors, patterns, and a variety in cut are now more common.
Men’s clothes are more colorful than ______. A. women’s B. ties and shoes C. they used to be D. traditional jackets [判断题]监事会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的监事应当在会议记录上签名。
[单选题]下列哪个不是空调系统中节流装置的作用 。 ( )
A.调节制冷剂流量 B.降低制冷剂压力 C.保证蒸发器具有足够的制冷剂来满足所需负载条件 D.降低制冷剂中的水分 [单选题]柱上隔离开关支持绝缘子表面有严重放电痕迹属于( )。
A.危急缺陷 B.严重缺陷 C.一般缺陷 D.轻微缺陷 [单项选择]动力电缆和信号电缆必须隔离铺设,()及以上系统的重要设备(SCADA服务器、前置机、通信机)应放置于电磁屏蔽机柜内
A. 一级 B. 二级 C. 三级 D. 四级 [判断题]垫木和隔木必须使用无削弱强度的木节和裂纹、坚实、纹理清晰、无腐烂的整块木材制作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]受拉构件中的主钢筋不得采用绑扎连接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]广义的心理辅导是指一个人向某个();()个体施以影响的活动
[填空题]气管插管、心肺复苏、支气管镜检查、吸痰和( )等医学操作容易能产生气溶胶?(3分)
[单选题]螺杆式压缩机实现10%~100%范围内的制冷量变化,是通过( )调节
A.滑阀 B.进口导叶 C.冷却系统 [判断题]处于高氧化态,具有强氧化性,易分解并放出氧和热量的物质是指有毒品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]刑事强制权是为了保证刑事诉讼的顺利进行,由公安机关对 ( )行使的强制权力。
A. 受害人 B. 犯罪嫌疑人 C. 原告 D. 被告人 [简答题]《铁运客运运价规则》中规定,迟交按迟交总额的5%核收运输费用迟交金。
[单选题]BC001 当电源的频率增加时,电动机转速( )。
A.减小 B.增加 C.不变 D.紊动 [单项选择]关于叶酸的描述,下列哪项是正确的()
A. 不耐热 B. 在酸性环境中不稳定 C. 存在于绿叶蔬菜、水果和动物内脏等食品中 D. 每天需要约100μg E. 以上都是 我来回答: 提交