People living on part of the south coast of England
face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several
houses discovered,{{U}}0 (21) {{/U}}their horror, that their gardens had
disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs{{U}}
(22) {{/U}}their gardens had been built. While experts were studying
the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether,{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}down the cliff and into the sea. Erosion of the white cliffs{{U}} (24) {{/U}}the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be{{U}} (25) {{/U}}as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most{{U}} (26) {{/U}}and have drawn up a map for{{U}} (27) {{/U}}people,{{U}} (28) {{/U}}the year in whic A. possible B. unlike C. dislike D. likely [单选题]气电公司将突发事件等级按照其性质、严重程度、可控性、影响范围、处置能力等因素分为( )级。
A. 一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [判断题]根据《运营事业总部生产安全事故(事件)调查处理规定》:生产安全事故(事件)若属人为破坏性质,交由地铁公安分局调查处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]职称计算机在哪些情况下可以免试:( )。
A.取得计算机专业大学专科及以上学 B.取得非计算机专业博士学位 C.参加全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试取得程序员及以上资格证书 D..获得计算机二级证书 [单选题]"未设自动灭火系统的砖混结构单层棉织品库房的最大允许占地面积为( )。
A.6000㎡ B.3000㎡ C.4800㎡ D.8000㎡" [判断题]仪表管路的防腐,主要是在金属表面涂上油漆,它能对周围的腐蚀性介质起隔离作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
What is Promotion Promotion is one of the four elements of marketing (21) (product, price, promotion, place). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyer’s purchasing decision. The (22) of five elements creates a promotional mix or promotional plan. These elements are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A pro motional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five subcategories, and how much money to (23) for each. A promotional plan can have (24) range of objectives, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image. (25) however there are three basic objectives of promotion. These are: 1, to present information to consumers as well as others; 2, to in creas [判断题]使用兆欧表前不必切断被测设备的电源。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]税务机关采取税收保全措施和强制执行措施必须依照法定权限和法定程序,不得查封、扣押纳税人个人及其所扶养家属维持生活必需的住房和用品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]急性炎症性脱髓稍性多发性神经病典型的脑脊液变化为:
A.起病后最初数日蛋白增高 B.细胞增加、蛋白稀增高 C.细胞和蛋白均增高 D.正常 E.起病后 2-3 周蛋白显著增高而细胞数正常 我来回答: 提交