关于IP的叙述错误的是() When his daughter Mary went out for her
evening walk Doctor Cochran sat for an hour alone m his office. It began to grow
dark and the man who all afternoon had been sitting on chairs and boxes before
the livery barn across the street went home for the evening meal. The noise of
voices grew faint and sometimes for five or ten minutes there was silence. Then
from some distant street came a child’s cry. Presently church bells began to
ring. The Doctor was not a very neat man and sometimes for several days he forgot to shave. With a long lean hand he stroked his half grown beard. His illness had struck deeper than he had admitted even to himself and his mind had an inclination to float out of his body. Often when he sat thus his hands lay in his lap and he looked at them with a child’s absorption. It seemed to him they must belon A. got lost B. got stuck C. went bankrupt D. closed down [多选题]CPC卡发放时严格遵循( )原则及( )要求。
A..一车一杆 B.一车一卡 C.收费营运 D.收费业务 [单项选择]老年女性,脑梗死后左侧肢体瘫痪,查体:左下肢肌张力略增加,膝关节被动屈伸时,在关节活动范围之末时出现最小的阻力,按修订的Ashworth痉挛分级标准应评为()
A. 1级 B. 1+级 C. 2级 D. 2+级 E. 3级 [单选题]石榴:火红
A.企图:规划 B.海洋:广阔 C.桂花:山坡 D.平原:草丛 [单项选择]
A. cost B. spend C. occupy D. take [单选题]下列热电偶中,()热电势于温度的线性关系最好。
A.S型 B.R型 C.K型 D.E型 [判断题]工作票由工作负责人填写,也可由工作票签发人填写。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有关运动模糊的叙述,正确的是( )
A. 设备移动与被照体移动 B. 暗盒移动 C. 屏-片密着不良 D. 除呼吸外,生理性移动不受控制 E. 意外性移动如肢体移动 [多项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,70岁。有吸烟史近40余年,近5年来时有气喘,呼多吸少,动则更甚,咳嗽,胸闷,形体消瘦,肢冷,曾多次住院治疗。1天前受凉后症状复发,今日晚上病情突然加重,气喘,张口抬肩,鼻翼煽动,端坐不能平卧,稍动则喘剧欲绝,心悸,烦躁,面青唇紫,汗出如珠,下肢浮肿,舌质淡而无华,少苔,脉浮大无根。若汗多不敛,可加用以下哪几种药物? ()
A. 龙骨 B. 肉桂 C. 牡蛎 D. 附子 E. 干姜 F. 磁石 [单选题]回流线、保护线、架空地线、架空避雷线距固定接地体或桥梁及隧道壁的正常情况下最小距离( )mm。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.300 [判断题] 所有吊物孔、没有盖板的孔洞、楼梯和平台,应装设不低于1000mm高的栏杆和不低于100mm高的护板。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Of all the employed workers in the United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have______(1) they term "alternative employment arrangements." The government predicts that temporary staffing agencies______(2) experience growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase at the rate ______ (3), these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs by 2010. That’’s more than any______(4) industry.
Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are______(5) to be the first to regain positions as the economy picks up and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because_______(6) offer flexibility and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are categorized as "independent contractors" instead of employees,______(7) allows the employer to avoid______(8) certain taxes. Because they are not required to offer bene
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]物业服务企业应当向业主大会或者全体业主公布物业服务资金年度预决算并每年不少于五次公布物业服务资金的收支情况。( )
[单选题]下列属于通行费征收环境专项治理工作治理内容的为( )。
A.假冒鲜活农产品运输享受“绿色通道”优惠政策的车辆 B.闯口逃费车辆 C.使用假行车本逃费车辆 D.以上三项皆符合 [判断题]国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门负责全国的地图编制、地图审核和地图市场的日常监督管理工作。
A.传唤的原因 B.主办案件的民警 C.依法享有的权利 D.主要犯罪事实 [单项选择]国有企业、集体企业及其他所有制形式的企业经重组改制为股份有限公司后,可向中国证监会提出境外上市申请,申请条件有( )。
A. 筹资用途符合国家产业政策、利用外资政策及国家有关固定资产投资立项的规定 B. 净资产不少于3亿元人民币 C. 过去1年税后利润不少于5000万元人民币 D. 按合理预期市盈率计算,筹资额不少于3000万美元 [判断题]处理故障时,要遵循“先抢通、后修复”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交