Many teachers believe that the
responsibilities for learning lie with the student. {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a
long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar
with the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} in the reading even if they don’t discuss it
in class or take an exam. The {{U}} (28) {{/U}} student is considered to
be {{U}} (29) {{/U}} who is motivated to learn for the sake of
{{U}} (30) {{/U}} , not the one interested only in getting high grades.
Sometimes homework is returned {{U}} (31) {{/U}} brief written comments
but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is {{U}} (32)
{{/U}} for learning the material assigned. When research is {{U}} (33)
{{/U}}, the prof A. plentiful B. limited C. irregular D. flexible [单项选择]外汇风险中,因汇率变化对未来的经营收益产生潜在影响的是()。
A. 经济风险 B. 会计风险 C. 交易风险 D. 储备风险 [单选题]下列不属于权益类证券种类的是( )。
A.公司债券 B.可转换债券 C.存托凭证 D.股票 [单选题]医师应该向病人说明病情、治疗过程及预后状况这是医师的( )的义务
A.维护健康,减轻痛苦 B.帮助病人获取病历资料 C.帮助病人知情 D.对病人特殊病情及隐私保密 [单选题]AA011 服务员应树立( )的劳动态度,努力做到精益求精,一技多能。
A.积极有为 B.发明创造 C.自警自励 D.竞争意识 [判断题]装、拆接地线,应做好记录,交接班时应交待清楚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]输气管道安全生产“三同时”是指,管道的安全保护设施与管道主体工程_______、同时施工、同时投入使用。( )
A.同时勘察 B.同时规划 C.同时计划 D.同时设计 [简答题]设计计算连续梁时为什么要考虑活荷载的最不利布置?
A.教育的眼光 B.信任的眼光 C.欣赏的眼光 D.发晨的眼光 [单选题]线路电杆在运输过程中的要求是( )。 ( )
A.放置平衡 B. 不宜堆压 C. 必须捆绑牢固、放置平稳 D. 小心轻放、防止曝晒 [判断题]调车作业应及时取送检修车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]材料的弹性极限是指对材料施加应力并在释放应力后不导致塑性变形的最大单位应力。
[单选题]法国人饮用的茶叶及采用的品饮方式因人而异, 以饮用( )的人最多,饮法与英国人类似。
A.红茶 B.绿茶 C.花茶 D.白茶 [单项选择]下列关于银行资本的说法,不正确的是( )。
A. 账面资本即所有者权益,是商业银行资产负债表上所有者权益部分 B. 账面资本包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、一般准备、信托赔偿准备和未分配利润等 C. 监管资本是指商业银行根据监管当局关于合格资本的法规与指引发行的所有合格的资本工具 D. 经济资本是指商业银行用于弥补预期损失的资本 [单项选择]有些植物的树干和根基生有很厚的木栓层,具有绝热和保护作用,这是植物对高温的 ( )
A. 形态适应 B. 生理适应 C. 行为适应 D. 结构适应 [判断题]汽油机爆震燃烧是指燃烧时发出一种金属敲击声的燃烧过程。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]双线自动闭塞区间进站信号机前方应设置预告标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]客户需要改变用电类别的,选择使用()流程。
A.减容 B.改压 C.改类 D.新装 [判断题]机车采用电气制动时应保证具有电气稳定性、机械稳定性,负载分配均匀。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]传统上的握手致意是()的象征。
A. 有求于人 B. 充满希望 C. 欢迎与信任 D. 合作成功 [判断题]在短时间内,车辆装载可为额定装载量的110%
A. 断续打开引气活门; B. 感到热时关闭热路活门的时间不宜过长; C. 手动调温打开冷或热路活门的时间不宜过长。 [判断题]创伤急救的原则是先抢救,后固定,再搬运,并注意采取措施,防止伤情加重或污染。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]分子中的环状结构增多,则粘度()。
A. 减小 B. 增大 C. 不变 D. 无规律 [单选题]下列关于人民警察使用武器的说法正确的是( )。
A.怀孕妇女持刀抢劫,经警告无效的,可以使用武器 B.以暴力方法妨害公务,构成犯罪,经警告无效的,可以使用武器 C.在群众聚集的场所煽动群众抗拒法律实施,经警告无效的,可以使用武器 D.劫持人质,危及人质生命安全,经警告无效的,可以使用武器 [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》,开办药品经营企业的必备条件不包括()。
A. 具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员 B. 具有与所经营药品相适应的营业场所、设备、仓储设施、卫生环境 C. 具有保证所经营药品质量的规章制度 D. 具有能对所经营药品进行质量检验的机构 E. 具有与所经营药品相适应的质量管理机构或人员 [单选题]基坑开挖中,各种机械、车辆严禁在开挖的基础边缘()m内行驶、停放。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Mad Scientist Stereotype Outdated
Do people still imagine a physicist as a bearded man in glasses or has the image of the mad scientist changed?The Institute of Physics set out to find out whether the stereotype of a physics"boffin"(科学家)still exists by conducting a survey on shoppers in London. The people were asked to identify the physicist from a photograph of a line-up of possible suspects.98 percent of those asked got it wrong.The majority of people picked a white male of around 60,wearing glasses and with a white beard. While this stereotype may have been the image of an average physicist fifty years ago, the reality is now very different. Since 1 960 the number of young women entering physics has doubled and the average age of a physicist is now 31. The stereotype of the absent-minded scientist has lasted a long time because the media and Hollywood help promote the image of men in white lab coats with glasses sitting by blackboards full of equations(等式)or working with fizzing(嘶嘶响)test tubes. These stereotypes are really damaging to society.Very good school children are put off studying science because they don't see people like themselves on television or in magazines doing science.They simply don't relate to the media's image of the mad scientist. This is one reason why fewer young people are choosing to do science at university.If we want to encourage more young people to study science subjects,we need to change this image of the scientist and make science careers more attractive.But we must also develop children's interest in science. In an attempt to change this negative image,an increasing number of science festivals are being organized.Thousands of people from secondary schools are also encouraged to take part in nationwide science competitions of which the most popular are the national science Olympiads.Winning national teams then get the opportunity to take part in the International Science Olympiads which are held in a different country every year.These events are all interesting for the young people who take part but they only involve a small proportion of students who are already interested in science.It seems that there is a long way to go before science becomes attractive as subjects like computer studies or fashion and design. The majority of physicists in Britain today are Cambridge graduates. A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned [填空题]电力设备损坏,直接经济损失达1000万元者。生产设备、厂区建筑发生火灾,直接经济损失达100万元者。构成_________事故。
A. 承受侧向推力 B. 模具闭合后锁住滑块 C. 定位作用 D. A和B正确 [判断题]( ).不经焊后热处理的焊件不会产生再热裂纹.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高速铁路区段营业线施工开通后,需在天窗时间外安排施工地段设备检查,施工地段检查发现设备状况不良时,均应由施工单位按设备故障和临时补修有关规定办理,责任单位及相关单位做好配合。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]910 mm
A.910 mm B.915 mm C.917 mm D.920 mm [单项选择]党的十七大报告指出,以改革创新精神加强党的建设的主线是
A. 以民主集中制为重点的制度建设 B. 党的执政能力建设和先进性建设 C. 以坚定理想信念为重点的思想建设 D. 党的作风建设 [判断题] ( )甘蔗苗期管理的技术措施是查苗补缺、中耕除草和定苗。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]中国由旧民主主义革命向新民主主义革命的转变和由新民主主义革命向社会主义革命的转变的共同之处是
A. 领导力量都发生了转变 B. 革命的主要对象都发生了转变 C. 革命的基本纲领都发生了转变 D. 革命指导思想都发生了转变 我来回答: 提交