The Internet is a global network that
connects other computer networks, together with software and protocols for
controlling the movement of data. The Internet, often referred to as "the Net",
was initiated in 1969 by a group of universities and private research groups
funded by the US Department of Defense. It now covers almost every country in
the world. Its organization is informal and deliberately nonpolitical; its
controllers tend to concentrate on technical aspects rather than on
administrative control. The Internet offers users a number of basic services including data transfer, electronic mail, and the ability to access information in remote databases. A notable feature is the existence of user groups, which allow people to exchange information and debate specific subjects of interest. In addition, there are a number of hi A. even farther information transfer B. online commercial promotions C. academic uses D. distributing multimedia information [简答题]复合系统的结构、功能、特性是什么?
A. 流量采样效率 B. 体积采样效率 C. 浓度采样效率 D. 质量采样效率 E. 总采样效率 [单项选择]基因治疗是指()
A. 把健康的外源基因导入有基因缺陷的细胞中,达到治疗疾病的目的 B. 对有缺陷的细胞进行修复,从而使其恢复正常,达到治疗疾病的目的 C. 运用人工诱变的方法,使有基因缺陷的细胞发生基因突变回复正常 D. 运用基因工程技术,把有缺陷的基因切除,达到治疗疾病的目的 [单项选择]体育锻炼在贯彻渐进性原则时应遵循()
A. 超量恢复原理 B. 运动技术原理 C. 生理机能活动能力变化规律 D. 个人实际情况 [判断题]我国社会主义初级阶段的起始时间是1956年生产资料所有制的社会主义改造基本完成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
International House Why don’t you learn English with us —Our teachers are specially trained in up-to-date methods. —We prepare students for Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency Classes, Trinity College Examinations and ARELS. —We teach commercial English. —Our trainee teachers give classes at a very low cost. —We founded the English Teaching Theatre. —We can arrange accommodation. If you have special purposes for your English learning, please don’t hesitate to write to us. Write to enrollment secretary: International House 106 Piccadilly London WIV 9FL Tel: 01-4379167 How about the cost for the classes The cost for the classes given by .the trainee teacher is ______. [判断题]—年9月20日起实施的集团《上海轨道交通车场电动列车试车线作业管理规定》中指出,试车负责人负
责发送试车指令,并亲自操作MMI开进路,确保试车时信号灯及进路正确无误。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下对适宜摄入量(AI)解释错误的是()
A. 是通过观察或实验获得的健康人群某种营养素的摄入量 B. 相当于过去的RDA C. 与RNI的区别在于,AI的准确性不及RNI,数值可能高于RNI D. 与RNI相似,二者都能满足目标人群中几乎所有个体的需要 [单项选择]功可泻肺平喘、利尿消肿的药物是
A. 白果 B. 泽泻 C. 黄芩 D. 麻黄 E. 桑白皮 [单项选择]如无设计要求,热水采暖和热水供应管道及汽水同向流动的蒸汽和凝结水管道,坡度一般为______。
A. 0.003 B. 0.005 C. 0.002~0.005 D. ≮0.005 [单选题]触电急救,当采用胸外心脏按压法进行急救时,伤员应仰卧于()上。
A.柔软床垫 B.硬板床或地 C.担架 D.弹簧床 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交